breaking windows

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wc: 3k

written: 24.5.20.

avenger!reader au.

✧·゚: *✧·゚: *✧·゚: *

"Please, Y/N, I'm begging... There are ways to escape a building that don't involve leaping from the fifty-third floor."

You scoff loudly. "Peter, I can fly," you remind him. You stretch your hands above your head and let out a muffled groan as your muscles tense and flex, the tension of the previous battle draining away as you walk into the Avengers compound, your companion following just behind.

"And?" Peter squeaks. You glance to your friend and feel a little bad when you see the concern in his eyes. "You could still get hurt." His eyes narrow. "Look- you still have glass in your hair!"

You bat clumsily at your head, hands scraping through your messy locks. "Got it?"


You pause abruptly, irritation causing you to furrow your eyebrows. "Stupid glass," you mutter. You'd already spent several minutes picking shards from your hair, and several hours more regretting your choice to dive through that window. Not that you'd ever admit that to Peter.

"Do you want me to get it?" Peter asks, voice gentle. He's eyeing a spot just above your left temple.

You sigh, deflated and defeated. "Yeah, please." You bow your head.

Peter shifts a little closer, and for the first time you become truly aware of the circumstances.

Now seventeen, Peter's shoulders have filled out and he stands full and stocky, the worn reds and blues of his spidey suit clinging to the definition of his arms and chest. When you move your gaze up, you see ashy black lines clinging to his jaw, and a bit of soot nestled up against his ear. The wildness of his brown hair as it sticks up in all directions really adds to the whole just-escaped-from-battlelook he has going on.

You smile quietly as you feel his fingers knock through your hair, and remain silently still as he works his magic.

Maybe you have a tiny crush on Peter. Maybe. But you're both seniors at Midtown, and you're both also superheroes who have to work together, so it's complicated. Far too complicated.

But that doesn't mean you can't admire him.

"Got it," Peter says. He's part way through bringing his hands back from your hair when there's a sudden burst of noise, and from around the corner comes two all-too-familiar figures.

"Oh- what do we have here?" You can practically hear the smirk in Tony Stark's voice as he swaggers forward.

Peter quickly snatches his hands back, jumping away from you as if he's just been caught doing something incredibly sinful.

"I told you," Thor's voice bellows. "Two young ones like these. Keep them together enough and... Well, I told you." His eyes flick to you, a loose grin on his face.

"Shut up, dad," you mutter. Embarrassment flames the apples of your cheeks as you scowl at Thor.

"Oi." Tony and Thor are in front of you now, and Thor's got his arms crossed. "I'm just saying." You receive an affectionate scruff of your head from your father.

"No canoodling on official Avengers business," Tony chimes in, voice lilted with tease. "Don't tell me I'm going to have to start separating you both now."

You groan, exasperated beyond belief. You're tired, sore, and dirty from spending the last two hours fighting off New York's newest threat, and now you're dealing with this. "Goodbye," you say, and grab Peter's arm before he can complain. You drag him away from Thor and Tony and across to your room, slamming the door behind you as pointedly as possible. "They are so annoying!" You groan, resting your forehead against the cool wood.

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