zip it

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wc: 6.3k

written: 23.1.21

enemies to lovers; fake dating; college au.

✧·゚: *✧·゚: *✧·゚: *

"Are you falling asleep right now? Seriously?" Your voice is scathing, your face pinched into a scowl as you stare across the hotel room. "Peter, we have to go in an hour."

There's the sound of the duvet rustling as Peter Parker very slowly looks up to glare at you. He's sprawled beneath the covers of the large double bed, the sheets pulled up to his chin. The heat he carries in his eyes as he hears your accusation is considerably softened by the oversized burgundy hoodie he's being swallowed by, and the fact his hair is wild and unkempt.

"No," he says, voice cracking from its high pitch. He clears his throat immediately, cheeks flushing a little darker as he grimaces and looks away. "I'm just...chilling, Y/N."

"Sure," you reply. You shift around in the uncomfortable armchair in the corner of the room, feeling pain shoot up your back from the hunched position you've been in for far too long. "Liar."

Peter sits up a little straighter, pulling a face. It's quick to shatter as he yawns suddenly, and loudly, the sound so brash and unexpected that it makes you jump. Amusement mixes with his annoyance as he looks at you, brown eyes glinting almost amber beneath the light from the bedside lamp.

"I'm not lying. I'm just enjoying this really comfy bed," he says. His pink lips quirk into a smirk, and he looks so fucking smug as he buries himself back beneath the covers. "It's so warm. I think the, uh, the sheets are satin. Feels like a cloud, or something. And the pillows..." Peter releases a strangled sound, hitting the back of his head off one of the feathery pillows for dramatic effect. "So nice... Um, unrelated, Y/N, but... how's that chair? Looks pretty uncomfortable."

You scowl. "Shut up," you snap. "You're completely insufferable. I can't believe I have to be here with you right now." You drop your voice, speaking in mutters as you add, more to yourself, "why couldn't it be Cap? Or Natasha? Why'd it have to be you?"

Peter releases a mirthless chuckle. You glance back, watching as he combs a hand through his fluffy brown curls, messy and wild from so long lounging around. He looks a little bit like an angry teddy bear, wrapped up in such a large hoodie, tucked up in bed. You're quick to push down that thought. There is nothing cute or inoffensive about Peter Parker.

"Do you think I'm any happier than you about this?" he responds, voice dull. "This is the worst mission I've ever been assigned to, and that's saying a lot. Do you remember that one we did, with the, uh, the... The chemicals? In the lab? Or the time that we had to go and deal with all those freaky alien snakes?" he breaks off, shivering, then recomposes himself enough to shoot you a sour look. "This is worse than all of those times."

The ache in your back from the chair grows too much to bear, so you stand up slowly, trying to hide your expression of pain.

"Well, hopefully, we'll get this over with soon," you reply, voice a mutter. You cast him a distrustful look. "I might kill you if I have to spend much longer with you."

Peter just smirks, rolling onto his side as he snuggles back into bed. "Feeling's mutual, baby," he calls out, looking back at his phone.

You sigh, rolling your eyes as you stalk over to your suitcase and pull out your outfit for tonight, followed by a bag of makeup and hair products. You don't bother to say anything more as you stride into the bathroom, slamming the door behind you for effect. The moment it's shut, you throw everything down on the counter and grab at the cool porcelain of the basin, staring yourself in the mirror as you try to calm down.

Peter Parker OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now