~4~ Fred's POV

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Fred's POV:

"Thanks Freddie." "No problem love." I answered. Her eyes started sparkling and she gave me a little smile. At moments lIke this, I would love to be able to look in someone's mind, see what they are thinking. But with her, I don't need that. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes were already speaking for her, she's happy and so was I.

We were talking for so long that we lost track of time. "Oh no, is it already that late?" I said while looking at my watch. "What's wrong?" (Y/n) said while facing me. "We need to go orherwise we're going to be late." I was already standing before she could even reply.

We split up, she had transfiguration while I had potions. "Bye Fred!" She shouted before dissapearing behind the corner. "Bye (Y/n)!" I shouted back, even thought she probably didn't heard me.

While running I realized I had potions, which means that I had Snape. Oh no.

There was no one in the halls anymore so I stopped running. I mean, I'm already late so who cares. Apperently, Snape did.

I arrived 5 minutes to late and Snape didn't really appreciate that. "5 points from Gryffindor and detention tonight." He said with his cold voice. "Now be quick and sit down." He continued.

I did as he said and went to the empty chair next to George.

"Dude, where were you?" George whispered with a face that literally said that exact sentence. "Just hanging with (Y/n)." I said with a big smile on my face.

"I guessed so." He said with a smirk on his face. "Ron said that Snape send her out of class and because you weren't at the common room anymore." He explained after seeing my confused look.

Snape disturbed our little chat, that grumpy little vampire. "George be quite or you will be joining your brother in detention tonight." He said with the same cold voice as before.

Because we never spent a detention without.  eachother he simple replied with a "Is that so, professor." and got detention too. I guess Snape just didn't want to deal with us anymore. Kind of lame but whatever.


Our first day was done, well not completely because we still have that stupid detention. Despite that, I was still kind of happy. That moment I had before with
(Y/n) was just so much fun and I hope we get more of those.

But since we left eachother for our classes, I hadn't seen her anymore. Maybe she was at the library? Or at the Great Hall.

"Oi, Fred, stop daydreaming about your new girlfriend." George said with a teasing tone. I simply jusy rolled my eyes at him, I was too tired to deal with his bullshit now.

"We need to go, it's 5:55pm, don't want to be late again do we, prince Charming." He teased again but now giving me a wink.

We walked out the common room. It was really cold for some reason. We were again, running late, so we started to walk a little faster.

Right on time.

We heard two voices coming from the dungeon, one of them was from Snape and the other one sounded really familiar but, I had no idea who's it was.

George knocked on the door and opened it after Snape said we could come in. "Well, atleast you are on time." Snape said, laughing?!

There was a girl standing there with (h/c) hair. Could be anyone, really. When she turned around me face lit up.
That's why I recognized that voice.

"Fred!!" She said with a big smile.

George coughed.

"And George." She said still with that big smile on her face.

I really enjoy seeing her happy. It makes my day so much better. Our first day just ended (well not really) but she already means so much to me.

Word count: 653
ThIs chapter is short i know. It's mainly a chapter to fill in the story you know. I will try to make a bigger chapter tomorrow!

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