chapter 1

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After the Transylvanian Affair series as the other people of Transsexual called it, everyone was now able to relax. LP and David were married, Sonny and Selena were now taking over the throne together as the King and Queen, Miracle and Cosmo were happily educating and helping their twin children, and of course, Frank was slowly becoming a good father with Nation's help to their little bundle of Joey. 

"David, you think you'll like it here?" LP asked as they were all resting along the beaches of Transsexual as the dark waves were splashing. 

"I know this is a lot better than home, because I have people who will actually care about and like me." David smiled fondly, kissing her forehead.

LP smiled, looking up to him, then noticed her younger half-sister was waddling around in her little arm floaties as she wore a moon dress with a moon hat, like an Earth's sun dress and sun hat and her diaper was exposed in her little beach get-up.

"What're you doin'?" LP cooed to the infant.

Joey smiled a little, looking to her big sister and big brother-in-law. "BAH!" 

LP giggled, then picked Joey up a little, having held her very gently. "Special little girl, yes you are~"

Joey giggled and wriggled a little before LP set her back down to play with her cousins. 

"Joey, come here, we'll teach you how to build a sand castle!" Crystal called.

"Yeah, it's loads of fun!" Richard added.

Crystal and Richard didn't have Miracle or Magenta's accent, or even handed down from Kimi, Riff Raff and Magenta's mother, but the Vitus family loved the twins regardless. Though, Crystal had hints of sounding like the women in her family, but still pronnounced her W's like everybody else, but from time to time, Richard would let them pop up, which may mean a rare case that a male had picked up the accent gene. 

"Uncle Frank, Aunt Nation, can we make a castle with Joey?" Richard asked.

"Sure, just be careful." Nation reminded her nephew with a smile.

Frank gave a nod of approval as well. Richard smiled, then went back over to his sister and cousin to play with them.

"What a nice turn of events," Frank smiled. "We're happily married with our own little one, Riff Raff and Magenta are rebuilding their family, and the throne of Transsexual has its new rulers."

"I know, how marvelous," Nation sighed with a smile. "I just can't believe years ago, none of us would imagine being here. I mean, I swear Janet Weiss was going to take over the world if she hadn't fallen back in love with Brad back after Farley and Bert got them out of the TV Station."

"I wonder what came over her?" Frank had to think out loud.

"We never found out, maybe seeing your castle overwhelmed them both, did you ever see them after you decided to stay on Earth and gave us Laura?"

"Not really, but apparently Janet had my baby." Frank sounded embarrassed due to his playboy past.

Nation patted his arm. "It's alright, Sonny's a wonderful boy, he was obviously raised well, even if Janet has serious problems."

"Yes, I suppose he is..." Frank smiled as he looked over to his mother's castle while the people were fawning over Sonny and Selena.

"Baa.... Baaa...!!!" Joey pointed to Sonny in specific.

"That's right, Joey, it's your big brother!" Richard beamed to her.

Joey squealed and clapped with an endlessly happy smile. She then started to whimper quickly.

The Transylvanian Affair: Part FourWhere stories live. Discover now