1: loid university?! [rewritten 12/29/20]

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rewritten 12/29/20


I very strongly dislike the word.

Ever since 1st grade, boring is the only word that has described me, and will continue to describe me.

Am I upset about it? Well, not really. I just don't like seeing people say it to my face. If I could change the opinions of others with a flick of a switch, I would, but there is no magic that will turn my world upside-down... For now.

Before we get ahead of ourselves, let me introduce myself. My name is Hatsune Miku. I have a twin named Mikuo, a mom who works as a doctor, and a dad who's a new professor at a random new university that I can't bother to remember the name of. I'm not famous. I'm okay with that. I do like singing, though. Maybe I could debut like one of those big musicians that made it big by posting VocaVoca videos...

I also like looking at websites with sketchy URLs that give my old tablet even more viruses than it probably has.

While looking at a pirated site, I see an ad. It has "WE'RE LOOKING FOR YOU! LOID UNIVERSITY, THE PLACE FOR ALL SINGERS OF ALL AGES!" in fancy letters.

This immediately piques my curiosity.

Why would a university ad be here?

I quickly open a new tab on my laptop, already open from an already ended video chat, and search.

I mumble the words as I type. "What... is... Loid... University?"

The first thing I see is a news article about that one singer, Shion Kaito.

...Holy shit. This guy funded that much money?!

I gape at the article.

And they need ads to get students?

I think for a moment.

Is it fake?

I find the official website on my laptop and compare it to the website from the ad.

They're identical in both aesthetics and links.

Perhaps the ad was faked by the people from the site? But what would they gain from it?

Before I can think of more reasons, my phone rings out from behind me. It's a text message from Rin, a reminder to go to bed, like usual. I check the time, and stare at the 1:00 AM in the corner of my screen.

I respond with a quick "Thanks!" and remind her to sleep, too. Closing my laptop, I stretch and immediately turn off the lights.

I didn't get a wink of sleep.

The next day, I decided to ask my dad about Loid University.

"Say, have you heard of Loid University?" I take a sip of my apple juice.

He hummed. "Yeah. Actually, remember that one time you sang karaoke with the whole family? A few months ago?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I? And what does that have to do with my question?"

"Your uncle is someone," Dad pauses, presumably to think for a moment, "really important to them." He pulls out his phone and shows me a conversation. "I was going to mention this to you at dinner when it was more appropriate to tell you, but I might as well tell you now. He said he wanted you to attend in August because of the, and I quote, talent you demonstrated at the karaoke."

I almost choke on my apple juice. "What?" I stare in disbelief. "He," I point to the phone, "is affiliated with Loid University, and wants me," I point to myself, "to attend?"

"Yep. I was shocked, too, y'know." Dad holds out the phone for me to take, and says, "Read it. It'll tell you everything you need to know. There's a few things that you'll need to send him, though, including some contact info and a recording of your singing."

I take a quick scroll through the conversation, practically inhaling each and every word that was sent.

This is it. This school is my ticket to freedom, the road out of the ordinary and painfully plain life that I lead.

I quickly hand the phone to Dad. "Tell him I'm set and that I'll get him his information, recordings, and everything in between by next week."

A week later, after everything has been set up, I realize I have forgotten about the ad.

Months later, I realize that was a grave mistake.

714 words
accompanying art that took me like 15 minutes to draw! i'll try and get these out every few chapters. maybe. i hope. don't expect it, though. no eyes because i suck at them <3

anyways welcome back to DR:WIM! i've decided to take an entirely new take on the story and miku

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anyways welcome back to DR:WIM! i've decided to take an entirely new take on the story and miku. i've plotted it out this time, so hopefully this will be a smoother ride than the last 2 attempts. no more switching perspectives until necessary! the replaced chapters will be posted on a different book called "hehe old drwim".

also please pretend that mikuo is a normal name,,, i am not creative enough to make a new name and he's not relevant to the plot whatsoever so UH

until next time! — cheesatoe

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