Chapter 4

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Soon enough, it's the next day. I look over at Miku to see Fa and Flower sitting next to her, along with Luka. Miku seems to be blushing immensely.

>Ha. She must be super embarrased.

>>Oh, hush! She looks fine.

"Una!" Ryuuto pokes at my arm.
I look over at the boy. Rana is clipping onto his arm, staring at me aswell.
"What's happening? Why are we here?" Ryuuto hugs Rana.
I don't respond.


"What?!" I borderline scream as I hold my arms out.

>>Why aren't you answering?!

"Because I don't care!" I drag out my sentence.

>>I'm taking over.

I sputter as I shake my head. Well, it's not really mine. I share it with someone I call Sugar. She calls me Spicy-


>in return. Agh, god damnit! You didn't let me finish my fucking sentence!

"Dialogue~!" I whisper, happily. Turning over to the children, I apologize, with the tips of my hair going back to blue. "Sorry about that! Spicy doesn't do well with other people."
Rana gets up and hugs me. "It's okay." She smiles, along with Ryuuto who also gets up and hugs me.

>Human interaction. Disgusting.

>>Awe, I know you're a softie.


As I'm about to giggle in triumph, Momo and Defoko come on the stage.

"Hello, everyone!" Momo smiles, happily. Nobody smiles back. "Awe, don't be so sad! I'll be explaining everything today! There is a way to get out, y'know." Momo clasps her hands together. Everyone seems to perk up at those words.

>There has to be an ulterior motive to this.

>>Well, of course there is!

"Defoko, would you please explain?" Momo glances at her assistant.
"Ah, sure." Defoko steps up to the microphone. "Now, we'll be showing you... a motive, along with an explanation of how to get out."



"When you kill someone, there will be a trial. You all will be the jury in finding out who the murderer is."
Defoko picks up the micprophone. She walks down the stage steps, and to Gakupo, who is standing with Piko. "Say Mr. Poid here murdered someone. Say, Mr. Utatane." Defoko puts her hand on each boy's shoulder. "Now, say... Luka was in the room with Mr. Utatane when he died, just sleeping." Luka stands up as Defoko walks to her. "Mr. Poid here left no evidence and walked back to his room. Nobody saw him. A trial would've been held, and Luka would've been accused." Defoko walks up the stage steps, again. "Now, if you all failed to vote Gakupo as the 'blackened'" Defoko mimics quotation marks with her hands, "And put Luka up as the guilty, Gakupo would go free!"

"Well, but not without everyone else in the school being executed." Momo giggles. "We even have suuuuuper cool executions for you all."

Defoko clears her throat. "Yeah. What she said. Now, if you all managed to vote Gakupo, which I don't know how you would manage that because you all look dumb,"

A 'Hey!' rung out in the audience.

>Probably Fukase.

>>Definitely Fukase!

"Then only Gakupo would be executed." Defoko finished her explanation with a grin. "Any questions?"

Silence rang through the stadium.

"Alright, maybe not." Momo steps to the micprophone as Defoko walks down the stage steps. "Now, for the motive! If you kill someone and don't get caught, you'll be able to bring one person with you to not die! Oh, also that your living expenses will be ALL paid for and you'll basically be living like royalty!" Momo waves her hands through the air. "My head will be chopped off if you don't kill, too." Her smile falters a bit. "Well, bye!" Momo's steps clang throughout the gym as she walks backstage.

>Crazy bitches.

>>Hey, stop excessively cursing! I'm trying to change, and you're littering my head with innapropriate stuff.

>Our head, mind you.

>>Bleeegh. Anyways, should we go back to our dorm room? Maybe grab a microwaveable dinner for one? Bring Ryuto and Rana?

>Not the children, and not a microwaveable dinner for one. We're not one person, and those taste like grass clippings.

>>Yes, the children. I'll get something other than a microwaveable dinner for one.

>Stop saying microwaveable dinner for one. We're not one person.

>>Okay, okay! I'll stop saying microwaveable dinner for one.

Spicy pauses.


>You better be.

>>Alright, let's get going!

I get up and walk over to the door of the gym, holding onto Rana and Ryuuto's hands.

>>Well, let's hope nobody dies.


754 words.
nice going, me.

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