I know that already

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After ending the call with Jin, I stand still for a couple of minutes. At his work. Where hundreds of young women dream of having him as their soulmate. They're going to see us together. They will have an idea that something is going on since he never gives any attention to any of them.

I look at my reflection in the mirror. Chubby, small. My waist is nowhere as slim as most of the girls nowadays. My arms are big, I have a hint of a double chin. Some spots here and there on my face. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ugly. I have my own charm that I own and enjoy. But I'm not perfect.

Somehow, the idea of being seen publicly like this with him makes me nervous. I shouldn't do that to myself. I shake my head and hop into the shower. Once done, I fumble in my closet to find a comfortable yet stylish outfit and play around a little with my makeup and hair.

Add to that my favorite earrings and necklace set, a single little gem adorning each of them and I'm ready. I look at the time on my phone. I still have some time.

I head to the living room and stare at my scrapbook project. It's nowhere done yet, but I hope to finish it before our date- meeting? Friendly activity? Ugh. I get my bag, keys, put on my shoes and head outside. Might as well go now instead of stressing over stupid stuff.

I start walking towards the bakery with a spring in my step at the thought of spending time with him again. I've know him for six days now, and those six days have been amazing. It makes me wonder what the future will look like.

It doesn't take long for me to reach the building and when I look at the line waiting outside, my spirits drop a little, a sinking feeling to my heart that makes me believe that something will go wrong. People will talk.

People always talk. And sadly, those that talk the most are often those that have nothing interesting to say.

I step inside, ignoring the whines from those that have been waiting for many long minutes and reach a part of the counter where a young man is cutting bread into slices. At my arrival, his eyes look up to stare at me before going back to the bread to complete the order.

"May I help you?" he says gently, making my shoulders relax a little from the stares on me. "Hum, I might be a little early, but Jin asked me to come here". His eyes widen as they fall on me again and he turns around with a bright smile. "Hyung! She's here!".

I freeze at his shout. Great, now literally everyone is looking. Jin suddenly appears by the open door and when his eyes fall on me, it's like a ray of sunshine has entered my heart. Can love do that? He sure did.

I hop from one foot to the other awkwardly. "Sorry, I'm a little early, aren't I? I can wait" I tell him and he shakes his head before reaching the other side of the counter to stand next to me. "It's great to see you, come sit here, I'll bring us something to drink! Any preferences?" he says while pushing me softly to a table in the corner next to the window. I smile and shake my head. "Anything's fine. Ah, but I don't really drink coffee". He hums and darts back to the kitchen to make whatever it is he's thinking of.

"Who's she?". "Have you seen her?". "Yeah, or the way he looks at her? Are they soulmate?". "Are you saying her soulmate is a girl like her? Poor him, he really had to end up with a whale".

I bite the inside of my cheek as my eyes nervously wander on the walls, finding every little thing suddenly interesting, like the black dot that always seems to be moving around but is probably only a hole in the paint.

Or that crack at the corner behind the flower pot. Yeah, you can see it if you look really carefully.

Jin comes back with two drinks and sets one near my hand before taking a seat in front of me. I try to force a smile, which ends up not being that forced when I meet his eyes. He's never once made me feel like he was unhappy with me, I should concentrate on that feeling.

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