The bear and dragon's nest

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Five days pass and here we are, Wednesday, the day I go to Jin's place. I have absolutely no idea what is going to happen today, but I'm excited. I finished my project for Jin and I have to say, I've done very well. It truly looks like a bear is wandering on ice with a beautiful background of ice mountains. I made the sky out of different colored papers to give the effect of a colorful sunset and I'm rather proud.

I take out the picture frame that I got especially for this and look at the final result with a smile. "I hope he likes it". "If he doesn't like it, I'm going to murder him. How many hours did this take you? Getting a handmade gift is literally the best thing ever and I'll fight anyone who thinks otherwise, even your soulmate" Woozi says and I laugh.

"Alright, let me change my phrasing. Jin will love it, it's just my nervous ass speaking because it's always scary to give someone something you've made yourself" I say again and Woozi hums before patting my shoulder. "Shouldn't you go now?".

I look at the time and my eyes widen. "I'm going to be late!". I spring to my room to put some easy to look at and light makeup and let my hair loose. "I'm going to drive you there! Hurry up!". I get out of my room and get my bag, the present bag and my keys on the way before putting on my shoes and pulling Woozi outside with me. 

"Calm down, Y/N! He won't get mad just because you're a few minutes later than the time he gave you!" he whines from behind but I shake my head as we wait for the elevator to reach my floor. "You know I absolutely despise being late". "I know, I know, I've experimented that the hard way a few times".

We get into the elevator, push the button and once the doors open again, I pull Woozi to his car. He groans but doesn't say anything, it wouldn't serve anything.

I'll be calmer once I'm in the car, he thinks to himself.

He thought wrong.

Legs shaking, heart beating fast, red cheeks, one would think I'm about to have a panic attack. "Y/N, breathe, please, you're making me nervous" Woozi whispers once we stop at a red light.

"I'm sorry Wooz, you might not know because you were always the only one getting those presents, but I'm always like that until it's out of my hands" I mumble and he raises his eyebrows in surprise. "Then, please, give him the present as soon as you step inside, you're going to pass out at this rhythm". I respond with an anxious giggle alien language and decide to not say anything more until we reach the address Jin sent me.

We eventually stop in front of a huge nice looking building and Woozi pats my head a few times. "You'll be fine, he'll love the present, enjoy today. Don't think about anything else and just have fun". I nod at his every words, letting his voice calm me down, just a little.

I get out of car after thanking him for the ride and look at Jin's directives about how to reach his apartment. In the elevator, press 8, wait. Then out the elevator, forward, turn right, then third door to the left. Door number 231. I look up. Door number 267.

I look around me and sigh. I turned left. Damn you, brain. I turn back and go the other way to stand in front of his door.

Alright. You got this. I ring the doorbell and hear some steps hurry before appears in front of me the most handsome man that exists on this Earth.

As soon as I see him, my nerves settle down and I feel myself calm down, the stiffness in my body fading away. Remind me again why I was so scared?

With a bright smile, he stands aside to let me in. I hesitantly step inside and look around me, taking in the warm feeling the decorations bring to the rooms. I turn around to see him looking at me with expectant eyes, arms wide open, waiting for a hug. I grin and get closer, feeling his arms wrap around me. I lean my head against his chest as my arms make their way to his back and I let his cologne fill my senses. Something sweet and light, like flowers and... cinnamon cookies?

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