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The hour passed by very quickly and Jin eventually had to go back to his restaurant to clean up the place. I was really surprised when he told me that everything was done, that all he had to do now was playing with the menu and recipes to really make it the best possible with his own little twists. He also asked me again to think about working with him with a mix of anxiety and anticipation, which felt weird to actually feel. I nodded and kissed him goodbye before getting back to work.

"Y/N, table 15 asked for water, could you take care of that for me please, my hands are full" Dino asks as he hurries over with plates of food. "Of course, Dino, I'm bringing that to the kitchen then I'll take care of it". He smiles and walks away to the table.

I sigh softly and make my way to the sink in the kitchen where I see Vernon putting dishes in the dishwasher. He sees me coming and takes the ones I'm holding from my hands with a focused frown. "Thanks, Y/N" he says before shooting me a quick smile. I pat his shoulder and leave to make the glasses of water.

The rest of the day goes by quickly with the usual tasks of greeting customers and helping around and soon, I'm closing with Woozi. Since we locked the front door, we allow ourselves some favorite music on which we dance and sing as we refill salt and pepper containers, move chairs to wash the floor and the likes.

Many would find that to be boring, but when you're with your best friend, especially after having bonded with your soulmate, nothing can destroy your day, not even hearing a terrible version of your own song. I'm already getting myself ready to expect more soon, but since I don't listen to the radio that often, except when at work, I don't really have that many chances of hearing them.

"Oh man this is our song!" Woozi exclaims when the previous one ends and we start the choreography in sync with wild smiles on our faces, completely unaware of someone who just entered the building from the kitchen.

It's when I jump and turn around that I find Jin staring at me with a quirked eyebrow and a smirk on his face. Second hand embarrassment, please. Feeling myself blush, I cover my face and run to the other side of the building as Woozi starts laughing at me. "You got caught!" he singsongs on the rhythm of the song, causing me to groan at him. "I know! Duh!".

Still laughing, Woozi proceeds to lower the volume and greets Jin. "Here to drive your girl home?" he says with a joyful voice. I feel pride rise in Jin's side of the bond before he hums. "I am. Are you ready to go or do you need to jump some more on the song? I wouldn't want to stop you!" he says and I purse my lips as I aggressively scrub the already clean table. "Of all the times he had to come, it was exactly at that embarrassing moment" I mumble and grumble even more when I hear them laugh.

"Don't mind her, she'll get over it. I'm the only one usually allowed to see her dance so she's probably having an internal crisis right now" Woozi explains and Jin laughs even louder. "It's not funny, Jinnie! It's a very real struggle!" I whine as I walk back into the main room with a pout.

He stares at me and creases his eyes. Then the song ends and it's another one of our favorites. Woozi sends me a look that tells me he knows I can't resist this one. I see Jin make his way to me with dance steps before grabbing my hands to make us dance together.

"I'll help you feel more confident about doing whatever it is you like to do around me, I don't want to be the reason why you resist having fun" he says as he makes me twirl and I give him a gummy smile that melts his heart. "You're just the cutest" he coos while pinching my cheek softly, grinning when I glare at him playfully.

We keep dancing on a few more songs, feeling a little less tense before Woozi officially claims the party over so we can go home. We leave with wide smiles on our faces and I hug my best friend before heading with Jin to his car where he opens the door for me. Once seated, we make our way to my home under the shine of the moon.

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