Chapter 1

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t was a cold December afternoon in Arendelle, King Runeard sat in his vault with his poor accountant Borre Cajetansen. Runeard was a king obsessed with money and gold, he cared little for those in his kingdom and especially those who were poor and destitute. He had become even more cold and unkind after his right hand man, the Duke of Weaselton died. It had been seven years, but the king had lost his only friend and now, he was bitter. Christmas eve was upon them and the king with his accountant sat in the dining hall discussing the amounts of taxes that had been levied against the citizens of Arendelle. King Runeard argued  that more taxes should be added on. "The land owners do not pay enough in taxes Borre, I say we raise the taxes. If they cannot pay, then they should not own land. Peasants do not need land. They won't know how to use it properly."

He stated as he looked down at the gold rings on his fingers. Borre was about to object to his statement when the door of the hall opened. In walked his son, Prince Agnarr. But do not let the title of Prince fool you, Agnarr did not live in the castle or have much money. He had been rejected by the king after he married a poor village woman named Iduna. Agnarr entered with a wreath in his hand and a big smile on his face. "Merry Christmas father, and Mr. Cajetansen."
Runeard glared at Agnarr, "Christmas? Bah, humbug. This holiday is just an excuse for people to be lazy but yet be paid for no work. It is preposterous."
Agnarr sighed and straightened out his coat. "Humbug? Christmas? You certainly cannot mean that father. It is a time to be with ones family and create memories. Laziness has nothing to do with it."
"Right you are Prince Agnarr." Cajetansen said as he gave the prince a small clap for applause.
"If I hear another sound from you Borre Cajetansen, you will find yourself without employment in this establishment." Runeards gaze moved back to Agnarr. "Why do you bother me so? Let me keep Christmas in my own way and you may keep it in yours." King Runeard sat back in his throne like chair waiting for a response.
"Keep it? But you don't keep it, you ignore it as if it doesn't exsist. Why so cross father? Come and join my wife, myself, little Elsa, and some friends for Christmas supper. It will be a most joyous time." Agnarr insisted as he stood there with the wreath still in his hand.
"Then let me leave it alone then. What good has Christmas done for you anyways? It has only made you more poor than you already are." Runeard snapped in response.
Agnarr signed as he ran his hand through his hair. "Although Christmas has never put a penny in my pocket, it brings me much joy as it does for most people. It is a time to be with ones you love and care for and for that, I say God bless it!"
Borre clapped in agreement, "Quite right you are, Prince Agnarr."
Runeards eyes glared at him and slammed his hand down on the dining table. "Cajetansen! That is enough out of you, get back to counting! As for you Agnarr, I ask for you to leave my dining hall before I am forced to call in my guards and have you removed. Take all of your Christmas spirit with you when you leave."

Agnarr breathed a saddend sigh as he looked at his father. "If that is what you wish, then I will leave. But I will continue to come every year and offer you the same chance to join my family and friends for Christmas, whether you like it or not. Merry Christmas Mr. Cajetansen, may you have a wonderful holiday." Agnarr walked slowly away and placed the wreath on the door handle. King Runeard grumbled and shook his head.
"I raised him to care about gold, and all he ever thinks about is his family. Christmas only makes him worse and for that, I say humbug."
Borre Cajetansen stared at King Runeard and waited for him to calm down a little before speaking.
"Speaking of Christmas sir, will I still be awarded my day off like the other workers?"
King Runeard looked at Borre and grumbled to himself for a moment.
"If you must have it, then yes. For I cannot exclude you from the other workers, but be here all the earlier the next day."
Borre's smile grew and touched either side of his face as he heard the news. Christmas day was one of the few days out of the whole year that the Cajetansen family was all under one roof. Borre had several children and did his best every day to provide for them. The time ticked away and it was time for Borre to return home.
"Happy Holidays- I mean, good night King Runeard." Borre said as he grabbed his coat and walked out of the castle

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