Chapter 5

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Runeard grumbled to himself and looked around at the food that was all around him.
"What is all of this food for? Certainly it is not all for you."
Runeard questioned the spirit. Leaning forward, the ghost picked up Runeard by the back of his robe. Pulling Runeard closer to him.
"This is the food you have long denied your fellow man King Runeard. This is the food of generousity. Something you know very little about."
Runeard looked at the spirit and glared.
"Generosity? No one has ever shown me any generosity! Why should I give everything I have away after working all these years to get it?"
Runeard questioned before turning around, putting his back to the spirit. Glaring at Runeard, the spirit took his large torch and gently hit Runeard with it. The blow hurt but it was only because the spirit felt disrespected.
"Come,  Runeard Scrooge. My time on this earth is limited and we do not have any moments to spare."
Runeard rubbed his head and grumbled, moving further away from the spirit.
"Go? Go where?"
The spirit reached down and grabbed Runeard by his robe. Setting Runeard down right beside him.
"Take ahold of my robe Runeard and I will show you."
Runeard sighed and gripped the spirits emerald robe. The spirit lifted his torch up high and began moving the torch in a slow circular motion above his head. This action caused the room to separate from the castle and began hovering above Arendelle.

Runeard scrambled to be closer to the spirit as the floor began disappearing. Allowing them to look down at the city below. Runeard gazed in amazement at such a sight, one he would likely never get again. The spirit directed them to the poorest part of Arendelle. Homes made of reclaimed wood and sometimes even mud. Runeard looked down at this area and scoffed.
"What are we doing here? There cannot be anything of importance in this location."
The spirit glared down at Runeard and moved the room to settle infront of one particular home.
"This is the home of Borre Cajetansen and his family, your overworked and underpaid accountant. You may see a run down home with little with little in regards to luxuries, you old scrooge. But this home holds more merriment than your castle has had in years."
Looking inside the home, a large family could be seen preparing for Christmas dinner. A total of six children aging from eight to seventeen were helping their mother get ready to eat.
"Where is your father and Tiny Kristoff? They should have been home over an hour ago." Mrs. Cajetansen said with a huff as she checked on some vegetables she was cooking.

"They probably stopped by the church, you know that Kristoff enjoys being in the services." One of the older children said just as the door opened to show Borre with Kristoff up on his shoulder.
"And where have you been? You said you'd be back before now Borre." Mrs. Cajetansen said as she took Kristoff off of Borre's shoulder. Kristoff was crippled and had to walked with a crutch in order to get around. Placing him on the floor, Mrs. Cajetansen looked down at him and said.
"Go wash up Kristoff, I need you clean for supper." One of the older children helped Kristoff up the stairs to get him cleaned up.
"I am sorry my dear, but Kristoff wanted to stay for the whole church service. I saw nothing wrong with that. He thinks the strangest of things sometimes, he said that he hoped that people in church saw him there so that they could be reminded of the person who made the lame walk and the blind see."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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