2 - Theo

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I can't look.

Well, I can look. Let me rephrase.

I refuse to look.

I just don't feel the need to open it at this exact moment. You know what does feel right? A nap. Yes, I shall sleep. I laid back down and closed my eyes again.

Nope. That was a dumb idea. I am very, very awake now.

Ugh. Okay how about a walk? I'll go clear my head and my parents won't feel the need to give me a lecture about "being polite" for missing dinner with friends to hide in my room.

I walked downstairs and towards the front door. The four best buds were all in the kitchen together working on different parts of the meal. It was cute seeing them together, I kind of envied their friendship.

"I'll be back later!" I called into the house as I opened the front door.

I turned around to see Theo, and my mouth fell open looking at him.

"Hey Mila, is this a good time?" He asked peering around me towards the four adults who were all watching this interaction, equally as surprised as I was.

"Yes, perfect actually, let's go." I closed the door behind me without making any more eye contact with everyone inside the house.

He had changed into a tightly fitted shirt, that hugged his arms and chest.

"So, I was thinking dinner? Have you eaten yet?" He met my eye and there was that beautiful smile again. I have no clue what I did to deserve this moment but I didn't want it to end.

"That sounds great." I smiled back at him as he walked us over towards the market, and not the restaurant.

"Let's grab some food here and we can eat somewhere a lot nicer." I followed his lead up to the market stall. We ordered some finger foods and he paid for the lot.

We chatted as we walked up the large hill towards the back of the Compound. Hill was a mild name for what I would actually deem to be a small mountain. Theo was in far better shape than I was, so I had to work hard to conceal my struggle to breathe as we made it to the top. It was pretty at the top, I hadn't been up here for years. Now that I thought about it, the last time I was here was with Theo back in school. He set up the food and we made a little picnic on the ground.

"I'm really glad I ran into you today. I missed hanging out with you. We used to be pretty close." We were both laying on the grass, with what was left of the food between us, staring at each other and talking. This has by far been one of the best nights I've had in a very long time.

I guess being social isn't so bad?

"Yeah, you were probably the best part of being at the Academy, it definitely hasn't been the same." As soon as the words left my mouth I wanted to shove them back in. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks again.

I feel like I've blushed enough today to last me a lifetime.

He chuckled and flashed my that smile. "Yeah, you weren't so bad yourself." He leaned in a little closer before he spoke again. "Can I tell you a secret?"

My heart skipped a beat again, this boy keeps doing things to me without even knowing it.

"Absolutely" I smiled at him, leaning in to match his movement.

"I may or may not have had a little crush on you back in the day." He said with the sweetest nervous laugh. He ran his free hand through his hair and looked into the distance.

"Oh really?" I replied coyly. He brought me out of my shell before, just being near him for a little while it seemed to be happening again. He exuded this calm confidence that I soaked up. "And what about now?" I bit my lip to stop a nervous giggle from escaping. That was as bold as I am physically capable of being. I just hope he answers the way I'm wanting him to.

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