6 - The Garden

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**Authors Note! 

I'd like to introduce Kai! I thought that Cody Christian would be perfect, his look and attitude are pretty much spot on for Kai. Now you can put a face to the name.

Thank you for checking out my next chapter! I know they're pretty long, I aim for around 2000 words if I can. I've always dreamed of publishing and wanted to really have this story look like a full length book. 

Your feedback is always so welcome and appreciated! 

Thanks loves 


Kai spent the rest of that awful first day in the apartment helping me order everything from the digital catalogue, charging everything to moms card. I knew she wouldn't say anything to me about it seeing as she wasn't speaking to me at all. So, I went all out, purchasing needlessly expensive items just because I could. 

A few days later my father had arrived to drop off my belongings as promised, barely speaking to me the entire time. He helped me carrying my things up and left just as fast as he had came. He didn't even have the decency to step foot in my apartment, he had left everything in the hall. 

I had picked up dinner from the Market and was bringing it back to my new home when my watch started vibrating with a new message. Theo messaged me every few days to check in and make me smile but it was too soon for him to be replying back to me. Although, if he suddenly told me he had the night off I definitely would not mind. 

I had been thinking about him a lot, a few nights ago we had exchanged some pretty steamy holos, but he had been at work and didn't get enough time to himself... so the conversation had been cut a lot shorter than either of us would have liked. 

I looked down to see Kais name flash across the small digital screen and I was instantly disappointed. We had gone back to normal since the first day I moved in. He was back to teasing me at every given chance and I tried my best to ignore his comments. It was definitely a surprise to get a text from him though. I don't think he's ever outright messaged me before. 

Meet me at the Garden Fountain in 15. Urgent. 

Really Kai?  The Market was a good ways away from there, the Garden was way out towards the outer walls of the Compound. Guess I would be eating dinner on the way, clearly it was important or he would have just caught me at home. As annoying as it was, I knew he wouldn't call me all the way out there just for nothing. Also, he had really been there for me the other day, I kind of felt like I owed him for that. 

I had made it to the Garden a bit later than anticipated, but I mean, it was last minute and I had to walk and eat. He should be happy that I was here at all. For all he knew, I could have been stuck in Medical when he sent that text.

I saw him standing near the large stone fountain, rocking nervously on his heels while he waited for me. How long has he been here? I thought to myself as I approached. 

"Kai?" As soon as he heard my voice he ran to meet me, pulling me by the elbow over to the large stone fountain surrounded by tall swaying trees. 

"Give me your watch." He commanded as he held out his hand waiting for me to hand it to him. This wasn't the Kai I knew, this was Kai from Protection. I felt the energy shift quickly. I did as he said, removing my life line from my wrist and handing it over to him without question.

He grabbed it from me, took his off as well, and threw them both into the bubbling fountain. 

"Hey, what the hell Kai?" Before I could continue, he cut me off.

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