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Atsumu sighed as he watched Sakusa walk onto the stage, in his hands held his graduation certificate, with a sigh Atsumu looked down into his own hands, he wasn't able to graduate on time. Once the ceremony was over he ran over jumping into Sakusa's arms, he nuzzled his face into his lovers neck as his eyes began to water.

Sakusa could feel the strong waves of emotions from Atsumu, he wrapped his arms around the blonde. "Hey, don't start crying you'll make me cry."

"I don't want Omi to leave."
"Hey, I'll call you okay? You just do good and make sure to graduate okay?"

Pulling away Sakusa pushed away a stray tear on Atsumu's cheek before leaning in and pressing his lips against the blonde's, he jumped hearing the sound of a camera going off, pulling away he saw Komori holding his phone with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll print it out for you two." Sakusa calmed as he looked at his cousin, he ran his hand through Atsumu's hair pushing it away from his eyes. "You can come live with me after you graduate okay?" A deep blush tinted Atsumu's cheeks as he nodded, a sniffle came from him as he hugged Sakusa tighter. "Love you."

"I love you too."


Two months had passed since Sakusa had graduated from the university, him and Atsumu called when neither were busy but it had become rare since Sakusa got a job and Atsumu had classes and tutoring. The blonde jumped feeling his phone buzz, as the teacher began his lecture Atsumu quickly glanced down, a smile spreading across as he saw a text.

'Hey, after your class we should hang out?'

He looked up at the teacher before quickly texted back.
'Yeah where at?'

'How about the park? When do you get out?'
'Two minutes.'

Atsumu stepped out of his classroom, he quickly made his way to the only park on campus, he smiled seeing a familiar orange haired boy, he waved over to the blonde as they neared each other. "Hey! How was class Tsumu?" Atsumu shrugged as he hugged the small boy. "Eh, it would've been better if I graduated but oh well."

"Oh right! Has you're secret lover you will never tell me about contacted you?"

A deep sigh left from Atsumu as he shook his head and pulled away from the boy. "Ya know, Hinata, it's hard.. He's busy and I'm busy but I just want him to visit me even if it's just cuddling you know?"

"Oh I see now! You're sex deprived and since your lover is too busy its even worse."
"Hinata! When did you know this stuff?! Where did innocent Hinata Shoyo go??"

The ginger lightly slapped Atsumu's shoulder before the blonde grabbed his hand, they paused as they noticed how their lips stopped moments away from brushing each other,  Atsumu quickly pulled away with a cough.

"Sorry, I uh."
"No, no it's okay Atsu. Um if you ever need help wit-"

"No! No god Hinata, I couldn't do that. Especially to Omi-kun, he doesn't deserve that and I'll wait till he has time for me."

With a nod Hinata bid him a goodbye, Atsumu went home laying on his bed waiting for his phone to buzz from a text from his lover. Instead as he began to fall asleep staring up at his ceiling blankly a knock echoed from his front door, with a tired groan he got up, sluggishly opening the door.


His eyes snapped opened as he heard a familiar voice and a smile tugged at his lips, the door was quickly pushed open as soft lips pressed against his he pulled away placing his hands on his lovers cheeks. "Omi-kun! W-What're you doing here?"

"What? Do you not miss your overly worked boyfriend who has been in hell because I can't see you?"
"I love you."

A soft look showed in Sakusa's eyes as he leaned in stopping halfway to look at Atsumu. "You have that excited look in your eyes, what's what for hm?"

"Omi, I um I want to go all the way. B-But if you're not ready then I can wai-"
"Shh" Sakusa slid Atsumu's jacket off his arms gently setting it onto the ground. "I'm ready now, so it's okay Tsumu."

Their lips pressed together a smile tugged at Atsumu's lips as his arms wrapped around Sakusa's waist, as the kiss began to deepen Atsumu felt his back against the couch. He pulled away with shaky breaths as Sakusa's lips pressed against his neck, he gasped feeling teeth gently graze against his skin unknowingly letting his head tilt slightly.

"What? Does it hurt? Shit Tsumu I'm so-"
"No, it feels good." Sakusa felt his heart begin to beat faster as he froze seeing the light marks left on Atsumu's neck, he brushed his thumb against them, he jumped as Atsumu pressed a quick kiss on his lips.

"Do you want to move to the bedroom?"
"S-Sorry I just-"

A sigh left Atsumu as he pulled away from Sakusa's grip. "God, I'm sorry Omi, I didn't mean to push you and I just-"
"Atsumu, shut up, just kiss me and if I say stop then we'll stop okay?"


Atsumu's eyes fluttered open as he felt the weight next to him begin to leave the bed, he pulled Sakusa in closely with a smile. "Where are you going hm?"

"Tsumu I need to wash up I feel gross."
Atsumu took in a deep breath as he nuzzled his face into the crook of Sakusa's neck, he felt his lover calm before he rolled over facing the blonde, leaning in he pressed their lips together. "Did you like last night?"

"Hm, for not seeing my wonderful boyfriend in a long while and then us deciding to do this for the first time, yes. Matter of fact I loved it Tsumu, and I'm so damn happy it was with you."

Atsumu felt happy having Sakusa in his arms, but deep down he thought about his ginger haired friend and his little request, looking down he noticed Sakusa had fallen back asleep he let a hand run through Sakusa's curls.

"I love you Omi.."

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