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Atsumu smiled as he woke up seeing a familiar curly haired boy in his arms, he pulled Sakusa closer feeling him slightly wake, dark eyes locked with his as a tired smile stretched across the boy's face and a strand of hair fell onto the middle of his face.

And it was right then they both knew, slowly sitting up Sakusa stayed looking at the blonde in his bed, his shirt hung off his collarbone as he turned his head, following Atsumu's hand that reached for his phone. 

"Oh! Samu texted me saying that him and Suna are going to go to our parents for dinner." Sakusa noticed a smirk on Atsumu's face. "Omi we should go too! Pleaseee~"

"But isn't that Osamu's and Suna's time to talk with you parents?"
"I'm his brother I gotta know his partner too!"

Atsumu smiled as Sakusa rolled his eyes with a nod, Atsumu hopped into Sakusa's car with a smile as the other raised an eyebrow. "Omi are you good at driving?"
"Yeah? That's why I have a car? What about you?"

"Oh uh..." Atsumu scratched the back of his head as the car left the campus. "I bombed my drivers test actually."

"Well that isn't much of a surprise."
"I- I-"

Atsumu stopped as a lady gaga song came in tune with his ears from the radio, excitement shot through him as he begun to sing along noticing the grumpy look on Sakusa's look. "You know I used to be in boy's choir, it was pretty fun but then I got kicked out."

"I can see why."
"Uh, huh?! Saku be nice!! Fine ya know what, tell me how is my singing?"

Sakusa stopped at a red light turning his head and giving Atsumu a board smile. "it's like ordering a pie, but only to find out it has no filling." A hurt gasp left Atsumu as he put a hand on his chest, Sakusa pressed the gas as the light turned green again.

"YOU NEED A NAP! I mean are you TRYING to hurt my feelings Omi." The blonde stopped as the song changed, the sound of a phone ringing came before the line. "Baby hotline?"

"You know this song Atsu?"
"No, but it's snazzy I like it."

Sakusa looked over at his phone, on the screen was the map to Atsumu's parent's house, they were fairly close to it, just another mile or two. When they got there the two got out of the car and headed to the door, Atsumu knocked and they were greeted by a surprised but very joyed mother.

"Oh! Atsu whos this hm?"
"Ah right! This is Sakusa Kiyoomi he's uh,,"

They locked eyes, a slight blush formed on Sakusa's cheeks, before his eyes landed on Atsumu's mother. "We're uh, still finding that out I guess."

"Well it's very lovely to meet you Sakusa, come in you two, Atsu, darlin' your brother said he was gonna be here in twenty."
"Yes ma'am."

When the dark haired woman walked away Atsumu glanced over at the curly haired boy, he noticed a very uneasy look on his face. "Huh? Omi what's wrong?"
"Atsu I uh, come to the bathroom with me?"

Confused the blonde nodded as he guided Sakusa to the bathroom, the curly haired boy opened the door, looked around before pulling Atsumu inside and locking the door. The blonde felt shocked as he was pinned to the door as the two's lips met hungrily, closing his eyes he kissed back as his hands grabbed Sakusa's hips pulling him in closer.

"Wow Omi, this is a bit new hm?"
"I- Uh I just, I don't know what's happening."

A smile tugged at Atsumu's lips as he pressed a kiss onto Sakusa's lips, feeling the other kiss back it slowly became more needy once again, Atsumu took hint from Sakusa of what he wanted to happen next, such as the light tugging on his shirt until the boy asked for it to come off.

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