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Pink:*blind he's eyes was dark orange and sit up*

Steven:what is dark orange mean babyps?

Me:the fuck you called me? Babyps? Just call bps ok and*check the remote* huh..... Lust

Pink:*holds steven close and run he's hand up he's shirt purring*

Pearl:*walk in* what is pink doing?

Me:going to mate steven why?*hesr pink run upstairs with Steven*if I where you I wouldn't go up there....*shivers at the moans the way heared*

Amethyst:*was blushing*

garnet:*shakes her head*

Me:it only last forn2 minutes.

Pearl:why is pink feeling feelings?

Me;cause he's hiding something.... He doesn't want no me not even steven to know.


Me:and.... *hear gasp from upstairs and pushed the bottom*done

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