lost it 2.0

59 1 2

All except me and punn:*look at pink*

Pink:*eyes was black with rainbow test again*

Steven:what happened this time

Me:idk I'm figure that out....

Pearl:*gulp*i hope he don't attack us....

Garner:*hums thinking*

Amethyst:got anything?

Steven:guys stop he's probably harmless around me so maybe he's won't attack plus he's want to please me so that is maybe why is not attacking you all

Me:still this shouldn't repeat emotions we gone over or.... He have more he's was hiding....

Pink:*look at Connie "Connie! What to play a game?

Connie:*got confused*ummmm sure...

Pink:*get up and hand her some kind of jump rope* ok start jumping when I get to 4 you win!

Connie:*rolled eyes*ok* start to jump*

Pink:1.... 2...*close one eye when hit her feet*oops you messed up~

Connie:*growls and start to jump again*

Pink:1.... 2...*giggles hear other crack from the rope hitting Connie feet* oops you messed up~

Connie:*look at her feet all red*

Pearl:Steven stop him!

Amethyst:her feet look like there about to bleed

Garnet: Pink stop this game

Connie:no! I'll not lose! *she started to jump again*

Pink:1.... 2....3....*crack and scream filled the room*4.... That make sad....

Connie:*hold her feet*

The gems:*try to stop it*

Steven:*holds pink*bad!

Pink:*was blacked out*


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