lost it

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Pink:*sit on the floor eyes was black fully with rainbow tears fall*

Pearl:is he ok?

Me:he's lost it/insane

Steven:what bad is he?

Me:go find out

Steven:*gulp and walk to pink*pink buddy?

Pink:*get up and look at him*

Amethyst:*look at them*

Pink:*scratch steven cheek and go up stairs*

Steven:*holds he's cheek*ow....

Me:he's more stable with you he'll go and attack us

Steven:is this what he hiding?

Amethyst:I think so

Garnat:yes I agree with amethyst

Pearl:he's dangerous!

Me:SHUT UP! God this is Why he's insane!


Me:pearl is to up her own ass that she try to RESET pink twice! To get pink/rose back amethyst left him to die! And garnet you told pink to be like rose the only person who accepted pink is steven! That why he's more stable about him!

Pearl:what about co-

Me:don't say her name

All except steven:why?

Steven:he hate her

All:*hesr a crash*

Steven:get just broke a pic of her.... I'll go check on him*walk up the stairs and open the door*

Pink:*growls on he's bed legs cross and arms*

Steven:*go to him set down next to him*come here bud.

Pink:*claw to him and holds on to him growling*

Steven:*rub pink's back*you must been holding this in for so long haven't you

Pink:*look away* don't pite me...

Steven:*lay down with pink on him*i am pink

Pink:*growls*your right I fucking did....

Steven:*rub pink cheek* you can trust me and the others

Pink:fuck the others.... *bury he's face stop responding

Steven:pink?*left pink head* 2 minutes already passed.

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