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Pink:*was in a corner rocking eyes safety yellow and wasn't snake eye mumbling something to him self*

All except me:*was creep out*what.... What emotion is this?

Me:crazy... It like lost it but worse....

Pink:*growls and summon and crystal clear shards and toss it at them*

Me:*blocks it*idk if he's stable with anyone rn but don't leave him alone we don't want a crazy pink on the run.... But I never now cause pink the steven as a lover so he might be stable with him.

Pearl:why is pink crazy?

Amethyst:yeah you say it like lost it but worse


Me:I told what you three did he yelled at steven when he was feeling angry but there still.... Connie....

Pink:*growls badly*

Me:I wasn't there but steven was

Amethyst:*look at steven*what happened?

Garnet:now in think about it you and her don't talk

Pearl:yeah you say she not allow here anymore....

Steven:*sighed and walk to pink*hey it's ok I tell them?

Pink:*growls swap at steven* she a bitch....

Steven:I know pink*holds him*ill you what happened with us and pink... So yeah I banned connie to came here cause she cheated on me well pink was the 'final' straw cause I fuck him for a punishment well at the time pink accidentally have girls parts that make him pregnant so I accidentally got him pregnant.... The next day pink bust through the door at connie house cause I was there and yell you got me pregnant to me well I try to calm pink he's hormons stat to come out I didn't know connie other he's that star ague with me pink say that she cheated on me with another man.

Pink:*growls and bite steven shoulder*

The gem:*shivers*


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