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Born blind.

Some say it's a curse from god, oh no, big whoop.

Others say it's a blessing, like my family, or someone trying to get on my good side because I have something they want, bastards.

Now there are people who do genuinely believe it's a gift, and those people are looney. There is nothing good about being blind.

I have never and will never see colors, see the way things move, or what people's faces look like. I will never know light, all my life I'll be staring into the dark black abyss that is blindness. I've been told by many self proclaimed emos and goths that they'd love to only see black, wow well amazing for you! Why don't you just gouge out your eyeballs then and we can trade, how's that sound?

Sure I can hear, feel, smell, and taste better than most people, but I'd trade all of those in a heartbeat to be able to stop knocking my shins on things, seriously why is everything at perfect shin knocking height! Did someone make them that way because they have a grudge against blind people!?

As much as I complain about people being extra nice to me, I hate it a million times more when people are rude to me because of it. If you shove me into a wall because you think I'm weak and can't do anything, I got news for you buddy, I don't need vision to kick you in your no no square, bitch.

Anyway enough about how much I hate humanity. I do love my family even if they can be annoying sometimes. I would fight tooth and claw to protect them, that is if I were a cat, personally I'd fight with my fist and a bat but that's besides that point.

Four years ago, that's when my grandma died. She had also been born blind, one of the only ones who truly understood what my life is like. She taught me how to read braille, how to walk, and how to get up after slamming face first into a wall. I loved her, and still do.

The strange thing is that I saw her the whole day before she died, I didn't actually see her in color, but more like a bright light shone around her and her features, she was quite literally made of light.

I was in awe when I first saw her that morning. All I could do was stand there in the hallway, my white sleeping shirt and black & white checkered pj pants hanging loosely off of me, feet frozen in place on the cool wood floors, jaw dropped to the floor.

"Cassandra is that you?" She asked, still I didn't move, I couldn't, I had just watched her say those words, with my own two eyes saw her lips move. I had stood there not saying anything, simply marveling at what I had just witnessed, just seen!

Before I could reply I heard my mom call to me, expecting to see her too I excitedly turned around.

"Morning Cas, what's got you so happy?" She asked quizzically. Again I didn't answer, that time it wasn't because I was in aw or shock, but disappointment, because I couldn't see her.

"Good morning mom, nothing much." I didn't tell anyone, still now even four years later I haven't told a single soul, because I didn't understand it myself, so what's the point, they probably wouldn't have believed me anyway.

That whole day I stayed with my grandma, I didn't know when my new found vision would fade so better to make the most of it. It faded a lot sooner that I could have ever guessed, and with it so did my grandma.

When she was walking home from the grocery store at night she got killed, not by a heart attack, not even by a car crash, but by some crazy asshat motherfuckering asshole who ran her through with a sword, a full on fucking broad sword! The lunatic was running from the police after stealing the word from a local shop and had stabbed her on the way, before they caught him. When I went to the police station later on it took both of my siblings to restrain me from not ripping both of his arms and beating him to death with them.

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