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"Hey, hey it's okay, you're gonna be alright just let it all out." I whisper softly into Aiden's ear, hugging him closer to give him some comfort. He's being sobbing nonstop ever since he came to my room 3 minutes ago. So far I've only been able to make out a few words through his tears, something about Harley, soup, a heart, might've been his heart but it's hard to understand him as his sobs are constantly interrupting his sentences.

I start to rock him back and forth, over time I hear his breathing ease up and his gasps for breath become calmer, his body is shaking less now. I hug him tightly to let him know that I'm there for him and murmur quietly to him, attempting to make him feel even just the tiniest bit better.

"Thanks Mia," he sniffles, rubbing both eyes to get the hazy tear ridden glaze out of them, "You always know how to make me feel better." He remarks quietly, sitting up straighter on my bed, "Do you have any tissues?" The look on his face as he gazes up towards me, eye red and puffy, tear droplets sprinkled on long eyelashes, and his mouth turned down in a frown but fighting to try for a smile, it makes me wonder, what could've happened that had gotten him so upset?

"Of course silly," I gaze back warmly, ruffling his hair, "You sure need them or your nose will drip all on my bed, sit here I'll fetch them for you."

He blushes madly immediately covering up his nose, obviously embarrassed by how much it was running, but one can't fault him, with all those tears it'd be alien for his nose not to run at least a little. I giggle, smiling at him, letting him know it'll all be okay, before turning to get the tissues.



His eyes turn down from mine as he blows his nose looking at the ground, shoulders slumped, I suppose now is as good as any to ask. I sit next to him on the bed, scooting a little closer so he knows I'm there if he needs a shoulder to lean on, poor thing is probably exhausted from crying so much.

"Why wer--What happened, are you alright? If someone is bullying you or you're in any trouble, I'll go get Harley and the two of us will go settle the score with whoever is messing with you...." I trail off from my passionate speech, as I see from the corner of my eye Aidan tense up, hunching his shoulders around his head even more at the mention of Harley.

Suddenly it all clicks and I begin to see the picture I was missing, the reason he was crying must have something to do with Harley.

"I-I'm fine, I-I am not being bullied, s-so don't worry about that." Aidan quickly states not looking me in the eyes, his body starts to tremble again and I can see new tears forming in his eyes.

I wrap my arms back around him in a hug pulling him closer, "Shh shhh, it's okay, I'm always here for you whatever you need, what's the matter, you can tell me it's okay." I can feel his shaking easing off as he attempts to calm himself down again.

He turns his head towards me and hugs me back with all his might before whispering no louder than the buzz of a bee, "Harley broke up with me."

Now it is my turn to freeze, in shock all that can go through my mind is, how? Harley and Aidan are a relatively well known couple. Not only for their difference in characteristics but also simply do to the fact that they had been together since middle school. It always seemed like they were a perfect couple from a movie about childhood friends to lovers, they texted each other every night, walked around hand in hand whenever they could, and would snuggle up to each other during lunch like no one was watching.

I would know, I had to witness all their disgusting lovey dovey acts first hand as I am friends with both of them. I'm not one for long term committed relationships, I've always felt more suited to one time things, no strings attached, meaning it was always difficult for me to understand them.

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