70 years

11 2 0



"I remember it like it was yesterday. What an interesting saying that is."

"What do you mean?" He asks in a quiet voice while gently caressing my hand.

His eyes drift from the heart monitor's steady up and down line to look at me. Those soft bronze eyes with flecks of amber in them, still young with youth meet my weathered sapphire ones that bear a thousand wrinkles for a thousand life experiences. There's a dim desperate gleam in them as if he still has hope, as if he still cannot face the truth.

I wish I could raise a hand to pat his head and tell him to get rid of that hope, tell him it will only hurt more, let him know an ending doesn't always have to be a bad thing. Alas as weathered as my eyes are, my body even more so, too weary to move so much as a finger. Instead I opt to continue, for ever after 83 years I still cannot stand the sound of a painful silence.

"It was 70 years ago that I was 13. When I saw the world truely with my eyes for the first time. It was beautiful and terrible all at the same time. In many ways the world and its people haven't changed at all. Same emotions, different faces, same events, different places. I guess if you live long enough you eventually come to realize humanity is stuck in a time loop of sorts. Always doomed to repeat itself over, whether good or bad." At this last thought I chuckle as it's as ridiculous as it is true.

David's wind chime laugh trickles through the air along with mine, giving a little more warmth to the cool white hospital room. Whether it's my raspy giggles or the silliness of my rambling it's hard to tell.

"As much as we don't change, we do change the world around us."

"You mean global warming?" He interjects with a sly grin carefully poised on his lips. To that I offer a slight huff and shake my head, amusing as always.

"Ha, I was referring more to technology than anything else, but I suppose you raise a good point." My eyes wrinkle, showing the fondness I hold for him. However, he's not looking at me, instead he carefully keeps his face stoically unreadable while admiring the sunset outside through the window.

I open my mouth to ask him what he's thinking about, only to be cut off before I can start. Turning his gaze to me, the golden light illuminating his serious expression, he whispers in a shaky voice, "Wh-why are you s-saying all this?" It seems sudden but I knew eventually he would begin to catch on.

He's trying to act strong. Unfortunately the glimmering tears in his eyes give him away. Lowering his head so the mess of hickory curly hair falls to cover his face, he attempts to wipe them away with the sleeves of his jade fuzzy sweater. Sniffling, he focuses his now red polished eyes on my comforting ones. Mine clear as a blue sky on a sunny day, his clouded with the pain of realization.

In a heart broken murmur with his sad eyes downcast I hear, "Why does it sound like you're saying goodbye to the world...to me...."

My smile never wavers. My eyes are all but truthful, yet my words are spoken in a promise so sugary and sweet that only the most sorrowful soul could bring themselves to believe it. One of those poor souls is David, I can tell from the way he accepts what I say without hesitation, takes it as fact.

"I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry, I'm just thinking out loud, that's all." Not a good lie, nonetheless he's too saddened to see past the thin guise of deceit.

He goes in for a hug, gripping me as if he'll never let me go. The world could end around him and he wouldn't budge. Best I can I try to embrace him, however with my fading strength I can only manage to raise an arm and place it on his back.

Pulling back finally eyes bright once more he beams, "Well it's getting late now so I should be going or my dad will be worried. I'll visit you again tomorrow Mr.Roger!"

"See you tomorrow David, always lovely of you to visit." Satisfied with my response he waves goodnight and practically prances out of the room, shutting the door behind himself.

Sighing, I relax, closing my eyes and sinking back into the comfort of my bed. It's been a long day, and a longer life. An exciting one, but long.

I'm sorry David.

I had no other choice other than dishonesty.

The truth would've only hurt you, so it was worth it to keep you ignorant, even if only for so long.

So you can call me a selfish old man for wanting to see you smile one last time.

I'm sorry.


A short story after being gone a long time. yay

This was something I thought of in history class while thinking about Marvel movies and how far technology has come over just 70 years. That then quickly devolved into thinking about a grandpa typish character talking about it to a grandchildish character(even though they aren't actually related). Which of course my mind decided I wanted him to die.

So there you go :)

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