Chapter Nineteen: A Breakup

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            During the remainder of Harry's trip, they didn't talk about several things: the incident with Chance, what they were doing in the bedroom every night, and anything about Harry leaving. Draco came and went from work, Harry shadowing him. The moment they returned home, Harry was in Draco's arms as they shed their clothing in their desperate attempt to make it all the way to the bedroom. Harry had never been happier.

The last night together, Harry lay with Draco in his arms playing with the blond man's hair. They were both half asleep before Harry worked up the courage to say, "I leave tomorrow morning."

Draco stiffened. "What you do is of no concern to me." He rolled off Harry's chest and to his own side of the bed.

Startled, Harry reached out for Draco's hand, but he swatted it away. Sitting up, Harry stared at Draco's back. "I think you should come with me."

"Why," Draco snarled, "so I can be arrested, and your little job can be done?"

Harry bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from saying something rash. Draco was obviously lashing out at him, but he didn't know why. "It's not like that," Harry tried again.

"Then what is it like, Potter?" Draco lept up from the bed and started pacing. "Because the way I see it, you turn up one day out of the blue, we fall into bed together like a couple of horny teenagers, and then you're going to leave. Is any of that incorrect?" He raised an eyebrow at Harry.

"No," Harry muttered. He hated the way it sounded.

"So excuse me if I don't abandon my entire life for a good shag!" Draco stopped pacing and closed his eyes.

Harry stared at Draco. "Is that all I am to you? A good shag? Not even a fucking great one?" With each word, his voice rose.

Draco snorted. "Of course, that's all you are, Potter. What else could you possibly be?" Draco's silver eyes glinted in the darkened bedroom, waiting for Harry to say something, anything.

Harry felt like he'd been hit. He had known they were in a difficult situation, but it'd never occurred to him that Draco thought so little of what they had. Throwing off the sheet, Harry stood. "Stop it, Draco."

"It's Malfoy to you," he sneered.

Harry clenched his hands in an effort not to strangle the blond. He would not rise to the bait; he refused. "Fine, Malfoy. Stop twisting everything."

"I'm not twisting anything; I'm only calling it as I see it," Draco sneered. "Just little Potter trying to save the day once again."

"I do not have a hero complex!"

"Never said you did, but if the shoe fits..." Draco drawled.

Harry reached down and grabbed a pillow, launching it at the other man. It bounced off his surprised face onto the floor. "Shut your fucking mouth, Malfoy. Stop trying to push me away! I came all this way to find you!"

"But I didn't ask you too!"

This made Harry pause. Draco was right. He'd had no say in the matter. "Even so, I'm here now. And we've been..." Harry trailed off, unsure of what to say.

"Shagging? Fucking? Take your pick, Potter. It doesn't change the fact that nothing we've done matters."

"It matters to me," Harry whispered, But Draco still heard him.

A deadly smirk spread across the nan's features. "That's not my problem, Potter. It means nothing to me. Just a good fuck with an old enemy."

Harry felt his stomach drop. He stared at Draco, trying his hardest to read the man's impassive face. He didn't want this. He didn't want this at all. Unable to see even a flicker of emotion in Draco's face, Harry bent over and grabbed his pants. Silently he went to his bag and grabbed a clean t-shirt out of its depths before shrinking it down and slipping it into his pocket. He quickly pulled on the clothing.

Draco watched silently as Harry swept out of the room. Harry could feel Draco's eyes on him, but the man didn't try to stop him. When he reached the living room, Harry took one last glance around the apartment that felt so much like home, or perhaps it was just its' occupant, before apparating away. Apparating to anyplace away from the man who was breaking his heart with his indifference.

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