Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Phone Call

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"You have to tell her you're okay," Harry said again.

Draco's voice trembled with a mix of relief and regret. "You've already done that, Harry. She knows I'm alive, and that's more than I ever wanted."

Draco and Harry had the exact same conversation every day during Harry's trip. Harry was of the opinion that Draco should call his mother or, at the very least, write her, but Draco refused to.

"Fine. If you give me one good, valid reason why you can't call her, I'll drop it," Harry offers.


Harry sighed deeply. "Fine. Forever."

"Perfect," Draco said, his mind whirring. There were lots of reasons not to tell his only living (that he was willing to claim) relative. There were lots. Like... like... well, he didn't want to cause her any more pain. But he knew he was causing her pain by being gone, so that one was out... He was a fugitive, and he didn't want her to have anything to do with that because he loved her. Except he loved Harry - not that he was at the point where he was willing to admit it out loud - and he was involved, so that wouldn't hold up as well...

Draco turned to Harry, his mouth falling open. "I don't have one."

"What was that?" Harry said, keeping a straight face.

"I don't have a good reason. It boils down to the fact I'm scared, I suppose. But I don't have a good reason, at least not one that will please both of us."

"Perfect." Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, sliding it across the kitchen counter to Draco. "Call her."

Draco started shaking his head. "I can't just call her."

"Why not? She's been waiting years to hear from you, Draco. She's your mother: she loves you."

"What if she's mad at me?" Draco's voice is so low even he has a hard time hearing his words.

"She's not," Harry assured him. "I promise."

Draco stared at Harry's phone as if it would bite him. "Is it safe for me to call her on this phone?"

Harry nodded. "It's my personal cell, not my work one. The work one is still in England."

Draco picked up the phone with shaking fingers and found his mother's contact. Before he could lose his nerve, he pressed call and held the phone up to his face.

The phone rang three times before a familiar voice answered. "Harry? Is something the matter?"

Draco felt weak in the knees when he heard his mother's voice again. It'd been years, and suddenly, he felt the weight of all those years on his shoulders.

"Hi, Mother."

There was a long pause on the other end of the line. "Draco?"

"Yeah, it's me."

To Draco's horror, he heard a quiet sob on the other end of the phone. After a brief pause, his mother said, "It's so good to hear your voice. I assume you're with Harry?"

"Yeah, he's right here. He's been visiting for a couple of days."

"I rather like him, you know," Naracissa confided. "He's the only one that's ever bothered to actually look for you."

"Better him than someone else."

"Perhaps. He tells me you're a doctor now—a muggle doctor, at that." To Draco's surprise, her words contained an element of pride.

"I am. I know you never wanted me to be something so mundane, but it's truly my calling."

"I only ever wanted you to be happy, Draco. And I am so very proud of you. You were always so smart. And don't ever believe I wish something different for you. I'm your mother; if you're happy, I'm happy. Besides, Harry might have mentioned how good you are at your job - that everyone looks up to you there."

"Father would be livid," Draco said.

"Then let him be livid. He is of no consequence."

"I've missed you, Mother," Draco sighs into the phone.

"As have I, my little dragon. Are you well? Are you taking care of yourself?"

"I am."

"So I take it you have no plans to return to England?"

Draco shook his head. "No, Mother. Besides, I broke my parole when I left. I'm sure there are consequences to that."

"As we all know, actions have consequences. Have you and Harry made it official yet?"

"Made what official?" Draco hedged.

"Your relationship status, of course. I want to know how to treat him when he comes to dinner at my house."

Draco glanced at Harry, who was trying his best to look busy sorting Draco's mail, except Draco knew he had no clue what he was doing. "I guess. We're trying."

"Excellent." To Draco's surprise, his mother sounded genuinely pleased.

"You don't care that I'm gay?" He'd never told his mother before he'd vanished, but he had an idea she probably knew.

"Couldn't care less. I love Teddy already; it'd also be great to be his grandmother. Andromeda and I love the idea of being joint grandmothers."

"You're sounding incredibly domestic, Mother."

"There are worse things to be."

Draco checked the time. "Harry and I need to head out. We're going to the cinema tonight."

"Will I hear from you again?" Draco could hear the fear in his mother's voice.

"Of course. I'll call you tomorrow."

"I love you, Draco."

"I love you, too," Draco said, tripping over his words. His family was always rather formal, and he didn't have practice saying the words to his mother, but she deserved to hear them.

After they'd hung up, Draco stared at the phone, collecting his thoughts.

"How do you feel?" Harry asked, coming around the counter to wrap an arm around Draco's waist.

Draco considered his answer. "Better. That was the right call."

"I know," Harry said, pressing a quick kiss to Draco's cheek. "Now, do you want to go to the cinema or not?"

Draco shook off the melancholy the call had created in him. "Yes, let's go."

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