Chapter Twenty-One: A Mother's Love

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Mr. Potter,

I've been informed you've returned from your trip to America in search of my son. I would be most grateful if you would come to dinner tonight at 6 pm to discuss your findings.



Harry stared down at the letter and cursed. He couldn't ignore the letter, but he didn't want to go to dinner and lie to Draco's mother, either. Sighing, he picked up his quill and wrote a hasty reply accepting her invitation.

At 6 that evening, he was standing at the front door of Malfoy Manor, hesitating before he knocked. The decision was made for him when the doors opened of their own accord to reveal Narcissa in all her glory.

"Mr. Potter, thank you for accepting my invitation."

"The pleasure is mine," Harry replied as he followed her into the dining room.

After settling themselves down, they both began to pick at their food absently. Harry's stomach was unsettled by what he felt compelled to do to protect Draco. Draco may have crushed Harry's heart, but Harry still felt the urge to protect him.

"Did you find my son?"

The question cut through the evening's tension, and Harry froze. "I looked for him," he finally said.

Narcissa gave him a stern glare. "That's not the answer to the question I asked."

Harry shook his head. He didn't know if it was in response to her observation or an attempt at lying to the woman.

"You're a horrible liar, Mr. Potter. At least, you are when you feel guilty. I take it my son is alive?"

Her voice was filled with so much hope, Harry didn't know what to do.

Her usually impassive face broke out into a wide grin. "So he is. That's beautiful, wonderful news!" Her smile fell slightly as Harry avoided her gaze. "I take it he's not coming home?"

Harry shook his head. "He refuses. I'm not even supposed to tell you he's alive."

To Harry's surprise, Narcissa reached over and patted his hand. "You didn't tell me, so you never broke any promises you made to him."

"Arent you mad he isn't coming home?"

Narcissa tilted her head to the side, debating on her answer. "If he came home, there would be difficulties with the law. He'd be in the limelight again. I understand the hesitation."

"But you're here."

"And I love him regardless of where he is. Now tell me, what is my son doing?"

Harry hesitated before quickly saying, "He'sadoctorinamugglehospital."

She froze for a millisecond, her eyes glazing over before she snapped herself out of it. "How... interesting. What an interesting choice. Is he very good at it?"

Harry's face broke out into a smile. "He's the best, Narcissa. His combination of magic and traditional muggle processes is unparalleled by anyone I've ever met. It was incredible to watch. His colleagues respect him immensely."

Narcissa nodded, her eyes misted over with tears. "Good. I'm so happy to hear he's doing alright and has found something he loves. He always was such a bright young man. Does he love anyone?"

Harry paused.

Narcissa gave him a critical assessment. "I take it there's more to this story than meets the eye?" she finally said.

Harry nodded once.

"I take it something happened between the two of you, and he pushed you away?"

Harry nodded again at a loss for words.

Sighing deeply, Narcissa set down her silverware. "Do you want to talk about it?"

The question was so motherly, so sincere, Harry found himself nodding again. Beet red, he started. "We became intimate in my time there, and I realized, well, I realized a lot of things, but the most important one was that I've always had feelings for Draco. We never spoke about what was happening, but I'd always just assumed... well, my last night there, we got into a fight, and he made it clear that there were no feelings on his end. So I just left."

Narcissa contemplated the story. "My son is as stubborn as they come, but he's also petrified of feeling anything. It's been an issue ever since he was a young boy. He'd always hold himself separate from everyone else, no real friends at all. A bully, from what I understand. I'm not saying I know what's going through his head, but I do know he pushes people away when they get too close."

"But he had a boyfriend there until right before I got there. He cheated on Draco."

"But did Draco seem particularly upset about it? One can be in a relationship and not be emotionally invested. I mean, look at his time with Pansy."

Harry had forgotten they'd dated. "But Draco isn't even straight."

"I know. But he was still trying to live up to his father's expectations."

"Oh." Harry thought of the boy Draco had been and the man he'd become. "You should be so proud of him, Narcissa."

"I am. I just miss him terribly. Maybe someday he'll return."

Harry highly doubted it.

"Now back to your relationship with Draco. I think it'd be best if you wrote him a letter saying what needs to be said. Maybe it will help Draco understand himself better."

"A letter?"

"Yes, a letter."

Harry considered the option. He did have quite a lot to say that was eating him up inside. "Perhaps."

The rest of the dinner was had in comfortable conversation. By the end of it, Harry could say with certainty he liked Narcissa quite a bit. 

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