Chapter Twenty-Six: A True Southern Come to Jesus

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Draco opened up his front door and stepped inside, sliding his shoes off with a sigh of relief. He'd been on his feet for over 15 hours at this point and was dying to take a shower and go to bed.

As Draco closed the door, a voice, tinged with a hint of familiarity, broke the silence. "You look like hell," it said.

Draco whipped around, his mouth falling open when he saw Harry sitting on his couch, Corvus in his lap, purring away happily. Apparently, his cat had betrayed him in his absence. Instinctually, Draco chucked his keys at Harry, half convinced he was hallucinating.

Harry caught the keys with ease and raised an eyebrow at Draco.

"What are you doing here?" As soon as the words left his lips, Draco felt stupid. Obviously, Harry had come back to see him, but for the life of him, he couldn't fathom why. Despite the letters they'd exchanged, Draco had assumed Harry wouldn't bother making the trek across the pond to see him any time soon. He'd thought he'd have more time to figure out what he wanted to say to him.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "I think I'm sitting on your couch."

Draco sighed and ran a hand down his face. All mental exhaustion had left the moment he'd seen Harry, but his body was still tired. "Why are you on my couch, Potter?"

"Potter, is it?" Harry parroted back. "I thought we'd moved past surnames, Malfoy."

Draco turned a whithering glare to the Boy Who Lived, who completely ignored it. "Harry."


"I just got off a 15-hour shift in the ICU. Can we please skip the pleasantries?"

"Fine." Harry pushed Corvus off his lap and stood, striding over to Draco. "You pushed me away on purpose when I left last time."

"I did not," Draco lied, staring at his feet. He had, and he'd meant to be so nasty Harry never thought of him again. Clearly, he hadn't managed that. He supposed he'd lost his cutting edge over the years, but that was not necessarily a bad thing. Having a cruel streak wasn't something that ordinary people prided themselves on.

"You did. I know you did. So I'm here to talk about it. And us," he added as an afterthought.

"There's no us for us to talk about." Draco refused to look up. He wasn't sure he was strong enough to tell Harry to fuck off if he was staring into his bright green eyes.

Harry reached between them and cupped Draco's chin, forcing him to look up. "Liar."

In a last bid to escape. Draco closed his eyes. "This can't happen, Harry."

"What can't?"


"Why not?"

"I'm not good for you."

Harry was quiet for so long Draco opened his eyes, scared the man had disappeared before him. To his relief and confusion Harry was just standing before him, his eyes calculating.

"What?" Draco said, desperate to fill the silence.

Harry nodded to himself and put his hands on his hips, glaring at Draco. "We're going to have a come-to Jesus talk."

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