|death did us part|

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"till death do us part,
but it already has.
death did us part
but why does it feel
like you're still here?"

death did us partbut why does it feellike you're still here?"

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-renjun's pov-

we had just received a call from the hospital telling us to come quickly. as soon as they told us to come, taeyong hung up immediately; not even asking if she's ok or not. if it was an emergency then maybe she was ok; maybe the surgery went well.

yesterday we questioned why she needed a surgery since it was only a few cuts but turns out before we had gotten there, they had shot her in the leg and possibly arm. not only that but hwayoung ended up losing a lot of blood too.

once we arrived at the hospital, we went to the receptionist and asked for hwayoung's room number.

"the patient is in room 217." thanking the receptionist, we ran to room 217. once arriving outside the room, the same surgeon from last night stopped us from going inside. she looked up at us with a pale face and sad glassy eyes.

no..no..she didn't die..she wouldn't leave like this..

"i..we are sincerely sorry...we tried our best but the surgery was not..successful.."

"no..no you don't mean that. she's alive! right?!" i yelled, choking on the tears in my throat. i tightly gripped onto the material of my shirt.

"renjun.." xiaojun came to me, pulling me into a hug while i cried. not only me but also all the other members were either holding back their tears or crying their eyes out like no tomorrow.

when the surgeon said we were allowed to go inside, we all decided to go later to take our time and process everything. sitting on a bench was doyoung hyung crying with his face buried into the palms of his hands. he mumbled to himself quiet words yet i was still able to hear a bit of it.

"i'm sorry hwa...im..protect you...i hope...with mum..please.." that was all i was able to hear from his muffled words. walking over to doyoung hyung, i took the seat next to him and put my arm around his shoulder.

"hwayoung just resting hyung. eventually, we'll meet her in another life and maybe then we can all live a normal and happy life." i said softly.

"she's gone..i don't have any family left renjun. she was all i had and i couldn't even protect her for long. i'm such a coward for not meeting her earlier. she's gone and i'll never be able to see her anymore."

it was unusual for any of us to see doyoung hyung like this. the last time any of us saw him cry like this was after he lost his brother, dad and mum. after that it was rare to see him cry like this.

"hyung do you wanna go in and see her? say our last goodbyes?" doyoung nodded his head at me before we both went in. we were also accompanied by jisung, taeyong and donghyuck.

once we stepped foot inside, we were met with a white material sheet covering her body. just as if a switch went off, the tears that had already dried started to fall again. jisung was the first one to run to her hospital bed, falling onto his knees beside her bed.

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