Boys Vs. Girls

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Don't take this seriously, okay? This was just written as a joke when I was maybe twelve or thirteen.

Boys: Listen, girls, you're all undone
           We make life so easy!
           You're just tryn'a stop the fun
           You make us all so sleepy!

Girls: We're the ones who do the work
            You guys just hang around
            You have never washed a fork
            From you all jokes abound!

Boys: Then we'll clean up all the forks
           We'll wash the knives and plates
           And then we'll show all you dorks
           We're not just playful mates!

Girls: Go! Come on! Wash the dishes!
           And you! Go scrub the floors!
           Fulfill all of our wishes!
           Quietly close the doors!

Boys: We still think you're all undone!
Girls: We think boys are foolish!
Boys: You're still spoiling all the fun.
Girls: Hey! You missed a dish!

Hope you liked it!

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