The Rufus Report

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This here poem was a pretty feeble effort to be like the sisters in Louisa May Alcott's book Little Women. You know, with the Pickwick Papers? Anyway, it didn't last; I got as far as one poem and the whole idea went flat. So here it is! Enjoy.

    Poet's Corner

Team of Four

Here we meet,
A team of four,
Can ne'er be less
Can ne'er be more

Here we sit
To gladly greet
The joyful news
In sun or sleet

First is Rufus
So jolly and good
Who wears no hat
Nor wears a hood

There's Adolphus,
Young and poetic,
Clumsily reaches
For pen with ink.

Then comes her,
The beautiful Cherry!
The fruit that she is,
A wonderful berry!

There's Charly
So small and so fat
Who brings all the news
And chases the cat

So here we sit
A team of four
Doing our best
No matter the chore!
                  Adolphus Treville
                ( AKA, Yours truly! )

Yup, I was kinda dumb I guess. Since few people have been commenting and voting, I'm going to encourage you a little: vote or comment if you agree that I was and maybe still am dumb. ;-p
Thanks for reading!

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