To Mike

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In remembrance of a good friendship I had not too long ago. Why we lost contact is still a mystery, and I hope someday that I'll find out the reasons. Hopefully we'll be friends again soon.

Never had a friend so quite like you
So willing to talk and yet not argue.
You're willing to discuss to the ends of the earth
The pain involved in the giving of birth
As weird as the topic may seem to be
I think in one thing we both can agree


But I must say, you are truly unique!
One of the best boys I've spoken to all this whole week!
You're quite willing to say that I am a monster
And I would agree, I belong in a dumpster.
You can share all your world views and agree with all mine.
And for that, I must say, all due respect thine,

Not bad.

Never a friend so quite like you,
You're a little bit weird, but then I am too.
You can keep me awake twenty-four seven
And yet when we talk, I feel I'm in heaven.
I called you Mickey, so you called me Rabbits
Our oddness has turned into nice little habits.

It's great!

I dissect my food, so you called me a monster
That last text that sent was to clear up this Mister,
Or Missus, or Miss, or Mistjisustismiss,
No one really cares right? We'll leave it as is.
You're a bright spark, you know that?
You do a good job at that.

You're cool!

You're a very good friend,
I think that's been settled.
I'd like to keep it that way
That's also been settled!
You talk to me straight
And I handle that well.
We're close buddies, mate!
And I think that's just swell.
Just for clarity, he called me a monster as a joke. Tbh, I kind of am. I do dissect my food for the fun of it.
But I'm not a monster just for that. I lost a good friend by my own mistakes. I can't say for certain though, exactly why we lost contact.

I'm sorry, Mickey! Whatever it was!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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