Chapter 5

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"I texted you earlier. But I haven't heard out what you have to say." Zhan mumbled to break the silence. " So can I pay little later." Zhan asked.

"I didn't reply means it's a no." Yibo said in a hoarse tone. " So mean." Zhan said to himself but Yibo heard it. "What did you just say?" Yibo mumbled and come closer to Zhan as if to fear away Zhan. Zhan just lowered his head and stepped back. " Nothing. Now don't tell me , you're waiting here to take back money from me." Zhan wide eyed and asked Yibo.

" Are you crazy ? Or you're just full of yourself. I don't wait for a guy who can't keep his own words. My exhibition gallery is nearby. I just came to visit it for once." Yibo taunted Zhan. 

"Look." Yibo hold up his phone and showed the front cover of his gallery. "It's nice." Zhan said with a smile. Yibo did smile still keeping his eyes at the phone. Zhan chuckled seeing Yibo smile. 

"What is it? Why did you laugh?" Yibo asked and his smile was gone. " Do you know you have a pretty smile. You should learn to smile more young man." Zhan said smiling. 

 "You're really clever. You think you'll flatter me and I'll stop asking back my money." Yibo said with a smirk. "No!" Zhan almost shouted. " I really mean it what I said." Zhan said bluntly. "I won't fall for you like those Uni girls." Yibo mocked. 

"Fine I'll pay you back tonight." Zhan said in a hoarse tone. Yibo got nervous. ' Did I just angered him.' Yibo thought to himself. Zhan walked pass Yibo without letting him reply. Yibo stared at Zhan until his figure disappeared in the dark road. He slapped few times at his mouth as he remorse for being so harsh. 

Zhan reached home and took out Yibo's T-shirt in his hand . Those harsh words from the young ones mouth just kept running in his mind. He sat tensed on the bed with twisted brows in fuming anger. He growled and threw the T-shirt to the floor. He felt like screaming. 

Next Morning  

Yibo was seated with his dad at the table , and Youn and his mother was there to join them for breakfast. Living room was garnished beautifully with sets of expensive furniture. Youn's  mother and Yibo's dad are business partners. 

They were all talking with each other and servants served the food. Yibo was busy taking pictures of the dishes. "What attracts you so much about the dishes?" Youn asked while propelling one finger at Yibo's forehead. "You won't get it Ge. You're a boring doctor." Yibo teased and continued to take picture. Everyone laughed at Yibo's words. 

Yibo felt embarrassed and sat properly, while scratching his nape. 

They started eating. Yibo looked at the texts . He saw Zhan's text. He clicked to open it. 

"I paid you back. I'm done." Zhan texted and sent the  picture of the slip. Yibo had a frown look on his face. He was surprised how Zhan paid in just one night. 

" You're lover texted you?" Youn teased. " Are you crazy?" Yibo mumbled as he was startled. "Then why did you get startled?" Youn continued to tease. "I didn't can you stop it." Yibo murmured still frowning.  " Come on you have grown up. Your dad won't mind you having someone." Youn said plainly. 

"Yes tell me." Mr. Wang tried to peek at Yibo's phone.  "Not my lover dad." Yibo said and tried to hide his phone. "Uncle he's hiding . It means he has one." Youn teasingly said to Mr. Wang. "I said I don't." Yibo said hoarsely. He was somewhat hurt coz he loved Youn and it was too much to take as a joke. 

"Auntie Lee please don't go." Zhan begged to Mrs. Lee. "I already told you if you don't pay today I'll quit." She screamed at Zhan. "Auntie please. I broke something of my friend and I needed to pay off. Please lend me a few days." Zhan joined his hands to beg her. 

"Great you have money for your friend. But you can't pay to one who takes care of your dad." Mrs. Lee shouted. Zhan lowered his head. "If you don't know whom to choose, your friend or your father then there's no chance for you." She continued. She turned at left. 

"Auntie please. Please." Zhan cried out but she already left. Zhan bumped his hand again and again at the door in frustration. Tears rolling down his cheeks. He felt miserable. He felt very lonely. He thumped on the floor. 

"Hey ! Don't be furious. Have this chocolate and you'll feel good." Mr. Xiao came pulled his son and handed a lollipop to him. Zhan stared at his dad tears freely falling off his eyes. " Don't cry young man. This is mine but you can have it all. Take. take it." Mr. Xiao murmured and tried to comfort Zhan. 

Zhan tried to smile between his tears and hugged his Dad. " Thank you ." He said while taking the lollipop in his hand. He stared at it for a while and he put it back on his dad's hand. "You don't want it?" Mr. Xiao asked still smiling. " I'm no more furious. You can have it." Zhan smiled at his dad and wiped off his tears. 

Smile on Mr. Xiao's face vanished. He started panicking. "Mum. Where's your mum? Why she's not back yet. Mum." His eyes started rolling around as he looked for Zhan's mother. Zhan stood there helpless. Fought with the tears that dared to fall again. 

Meanwhile Yibo and all had completed their breakfast. "Oh I almost forgot. This is visiting cards for my exhibition. This is for you Auntie and this is for you Ge." Yibo said handing the cards to them. 

" Wow ! Is there an exhibition." Youn's mom exclaimed and started to go through the card. Yibo smiled.

"Oh! this is on the same day when we have our business trip to Taiwan. Are we still going?" Youn's mom asked Mr. Wang. Yibo somewhat lost his smile. But he knew he can't help it. He stayed quiet. 

"Don't worry son . I'll send bouquet for you. A-Youn you need to give it to him from me." Youn's mom said assuring Yibo.  Yibo smiled brightly. It meant that Youn will be visiting. It was enough to make him happy. 

On the other Hand Zhan prepared himself breakfast and some heavy food for his dad, since he knew his dad had to be alone at home. "Dad! Dad!" Zhan repeatedly called his dad, who was busy watching cartoon. "Dad have your food properly. I can't skip class today." Mr. Xiao still busy at the TV screen. "Dad . You heard me? Please be good. I'll hurry back soon." Zhan said while patting his hand on Mr. Xiao's shoulder. 

"Ugh! Fine. Fine. Am I your father or your son?" Mr. Xiao replied irritably. While his eyes fixed at the TV screen.  "You remember me now?" Zhan asked with a smile. 

" Yes. Do you think I'm crazy. Go , you'll be late." Mr. Xiao mumbled. "I'm get going dad." Zhan said in a broken voice. He was excited and hugged his dad before leaving. Wiped his eyes , incase they were teary. 

He walked out of the main door and closed it. His mind get conflicted. "What if dad goes out all alone?" He said to himself. After thinking for a while he locked the door from outside. He sighed and rode his motorcycle to University. 

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