Chapter 31

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"You barely slept last night right." Yibo asked Zhan while driving the car. "Had to separate from you. How do I sleep ?" Zhan whined at his words while staring into the other with loving and sparkling eyes. 

"Zhan Ge! Rather then separating can we tag along to your work place. I won't mind sitting afar admiring your face." Yibo stared into the lustful eyes of the elder. "No! I won't be able to work if a my baby sits afar . I'll be distracted. " Zhan said with a sad pout. 

"Then let's meet after your work. I'll be wherever you want me." Yibo said excitedly. Zhan hummed and caressed Yibo's cheeks in pleasure. "Love you." He snapped at the busily driving figure. " Aww ! Now that you can't stop expressing your love." Yibo laughed out while concentrating at the turn he made on the road. 

Zhan blushed a little and curled up to Yibo's arm. He rested his head onto the younger's shoulder while tried to grab the warmth within. They kept silent and glanced at each other once or twice every passing minute before they reach the place. 

"Bye-Bye! Zhan Ge. Text me. I'll be there on time." Yibo shouted at the retreating figure into the human traffic. Zhan noddingly waved back his hand at Yibo before disappearing into the crowd. 


"This Art Institute in France is allowing me scholarship for Master degree?" Yibo asked smiling at the envelop his teacher handed him. "Yes. Yibo this is a big opportunity you know. Once you complete you bachelor degree over here. You'll be going to France for your higher studies." Teacher assured him and even encouraged him. 

Yibo was smiling the whole time, when finally realization crashed in and he lost his smile. There's only six months left for his degree to be completed. He wasn't ready to go just within these few months. He just grabbed onto his love life.  Wasn't it too soon to go abroad. He aimlessly stared afar, while holding onto the envelop. 

"Yibo. Congo buddy." Kuan snapped him out of his daze. "Huh! Oh! Yes. Thank you." His words were unhappy. It seemed he was pressured and stressed out hearing such a great news. Something for which he worked hard all along. "What is it?" Kuan asked in concern.

"Nothing... Just.. Just too early to go." Yibo uttered hanging his head low and sighed out a deep breath. "Bo this is an amazing offer. You're taking it right?" Kuan tilted his head a little to glance at the face. Yibo's face twisted as he shook his head in a 'no.'  "Huh ! Don't be a fool. This isn't something that people get for free you asshole. Go for it." Kuan yelled and tried to put up a reason .

But Yibo already decided to drop the scholarship and not to let his father know. He knew once his father gets to know , there's no way to escape out of it. With conflicted heartbeats for 'no' or 'yes'. He decided to choose 'no' at the end.  Kuan couldn't help but remain at disbelief, that how could someone just throw an amazing offer.  


"Are you done here?" Zhan almost startled both the boys. Kuan knew it wasn't his cup of tea to meddle in. He excused himself and went off as quickly as he could. "How did you know I'm here?" Yibo asked in surprise. He didn't inform his whereabouts. "My heart screams to me. I can tell wherever you go." Zhan uttered while pressing his palms onto his chest.

"Eww ! Too cheesy Zhan Ge." Yibo gestured an act to puke while laughed out at the other's words. "Well it won't be wrong if I say you missed me hard." Zhan sat beside Yibo and pulled him hard by his shoulder, and embraced him for a second. "Behave Ge. We aren't home." Yibo said while pulling himself away from the strong arms. Meanwhile they have already become the prey in crowds' eyes. 

Yibo blushed hard at the sight, where people were smiling and staring them. "Zhan Ge." He whined at the elder's name and walked away with a tomato red face. On the other hand Zhan laughed at the other's cuteness and ran alongside the blushing mess. 

"Wait. We're already at a very distant." Zhan uttered between his pants. Yibo seemed not to hear, until Zhan grasped onto his arm and pulled him by himself. Yibo stumbled and hit back into Zhan's chest. "Stay." Zhan almost said in a commanding tone when the younger one struggled to get away.

Hearing the seriousness in the tone, Yibo decided to rest his head onto his chest better. Snuggled more into the depth and curled up his arms around the elder's waist. "Zhan Ge , You're very warm." Smiled into the cozy chest as he breath in the scent of the other. "You're too my warmth. My smile, my world I want to treasure. " Zhan said while stroking his hand at the back of the younger. 

Words seems to waste , when they try to describe their ethereal presence for the other. They decided to enjoy the each other's warmth in silence. The comforting and loving aura that formed, crickets added into their silent breaths. Darkness that protected them from crowds' eyes, weather that cheered them with cool breeze. 

Slowly their body hungered for the other, pressing and leaning onto the other they engulfed into a passionate kiss. Deep breaths and squealing sounds of wet lips followed the silence. Their hands encircled around each other, knees locked onto the other's, while chest kept bumping onto each other. 

"Let's go eat something.. come." Zhan broke the silence as he softly spoke into the other's ear. Yibo hummed lazily as he still leaned onto the other for support on his feet. Zhan started to walk while the younger decided to cling onto the elder's arm and walked along lazily.

"Ow! Bo." Youn exclaimed on seeing the pair clinging onto each other. Zhan grasped onto the younger's hand with a tight grip. Couldn't bear to see the person who almost snatched away his love for once. Yibo still kept leaning onto the other while speaking. "Youn Ge ! What are you doing here?" 

"Me Umm... I came to give this to my girlfriend." Youn lied. He was there at the gallery to gift the package to Yibo. He stared at the intertwined hands of the pair in front and unconsciously led out a sad smile. Zhan was quick enough to get the sadness while Yibo's eyes weren't that much on the other. 

"Sugar daddy. Go go... She must be waiting." Yibo teased the other guy, who still had the sad smile lurking on him. "Umm. Then I should be get going. Bo I see you guys are at  good terms now." Youn mumbled , tried to put on a sweet smile.

"We are together Ge." Zhan snapped quickly while squeezed onto the hands he was holding. Yibo led out a chuckle on seeing the restlessness of the other half. He wasn't able to see the tension between the two older guys. He was happy enough to be protected and embraced by the person he loved. 

He was sheepishly smiling at them. More like, being into his own world of love. "Bye-Bye Ge." He waved at Youn and started to drag Zhan along with him. Youn stared at the walking away pair and than stared at his package, that remained ungifted. He sighed deeply and dropped the package by the Trash bin beside, before walking away. 

 "I'm hungry Zhan Ge. Feed me."  Once they settle by the table with the ordered food, Yibo opened his mouth in a gesture to be fed by the other. " My Baobao. Come near... open properly... Ahh clumsy cub." Zhan fed the other while wiping the dropped out food that stick to the younger's chin and corner lips. 

This was something that they both wanted. isn't this call the feeling of love. Taking care and pampering the other with all your heart. 

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