Chapter 48

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Previous Night

"Good night Bo-Di" The moment his lover closed the door , he uttered to himself as bitter tears rolled out of eyes, and slide pass to the pillow. Zhan had already made up his mind and was about to work on his thoughts. He could no longer betray his dead parents. Loving Yibo was against their will and he wouldn't like to disrespect his parents anymore. Sinking into deep thoughts, Zhan involuntarily kept rolling on the bed restlessly, while his eyes, never stopped dripping out tears.

Scrolling through the call list again and again, he trailed his thump over one number again and again. His heart clenched at the thought of committing a crime to his heart, and to his love. He knew Yibo was at no fault and would be heartbroken, if he loses Zhan. But his father ruined it all. He knew he had no one left , but yet his mind didn't let him settle the things well, and his mind decided to make a bitter decision. Without a second thought he pressed the dial button, and the phone started to ring.

Once.. Twice... Thrice.. The person finally received by the third time. He greeted Zhan in a deep tone, not knowing the person who called.

" I'll work for you." ... "A-Zhan , Oww! You're brain cells finally started to work." The person gave a devilish laugh. "I needed a favor." ... "What is it?" .... " Book me a flight to US and I'll work for you from there." .... " Huh! You won't join the China force?"... "No I won't. And until I say so, no one in China should know my whereabouts, even if someday you get questioned by someone." ... "What about you're father, your lover?" .... " Haha" letting out a bitter laugh , Zhan paused a while and sighed a deep breath. "Who lover? I got no one. Since I got no dad to look after. I don't mind doing any job." ... " Where's your dad?" .... "In heavens, with mum." ... "Okay. Um... Good then, I'll book by tomorrow." .... " No. You need to book tonight's flight. I'll wait no longer. If I wait , they'll drag me to China by tomorrow. I'll pay you off by my work. Book the flight at any cost right now." ... "Okay... hahaha... .My man will led you know the information." Person let out another bewitched laugh, that sent chills through Zhan's veins. 

The call hung up. Zhan didn't know if he made the right decision. But he no longer cared, what's right and what's wrong. Since whatever he did, anyways he lost both the precious gem of his life. Crawling out of the bed , with swollen eyes, he pulled his lazy body to the washroom. 

"Zhan you're no more gonna be a naïve. Hmm..." He talked to the reflection in the mirror and stared for a long while into his tear struck face, and crimson eyes. Splashing water onto his face, he removed the dry tear patches. Swore to his own reflection, to die down the useless tears. He felt his heart clenching to a depth, by each passing second. Leaned at the bathroom wall and took deep breaths to calm and compose his broken soul. Soul that was hurting too bad. Hurrying out a moment later, on hearing his phone beep.

Unsaved no. : " Flight by 3 Am , Orly Airport . Ticket is mailed. Flight to US , Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport." 

Deep sighs left from his mouth again and again seeing the text that was going to bring huge change into his lifeless being. He quickly checked his mail, indeed his ticket was mailed. It was already half passed 12 Am. He hurriedly packed up his bag , and suitcases. He almost had all his documents needed. He stared at the bed in front, and could hallucinate , the crying man in his lover's arms, who himself shed tears. Yes he could see Yibo's face drenched in tears. He longed to see that face for the last time. The face that brings relief to his hurting heart, the face that makes him feel being loved. The face that described his reason of happiness and smiles.

By 1 Am , he decided to book a taxi and leave. It would be better if he leave the place as soon as possible. Locking his room, he dropped his suitcase in front of his door. Slowly walked up to the adjacent room, and trailed his fingers at the door. His eyes, wanted to pierce through the opaque door. Warmth already led out of his red eyes. Wiping off the the traitors out of his eyes, his hands clutched at his chest. Biting his lower lips, to stop the escaping sob, he ran to his own door. Clutched onto his suitcase handle and ran out of that place, making the minimal noise. His last wish remained unfulfilled. He couldn't be greeted by the bonny face he yearned for. Had to leave with a heavy heart with immense pain.

Orly Airport , Paris

Zhan already went through the strict checking and was sitting in the waiting room, for his flight to arrive. His suitcase already got the checked mark, and badges for his journey. He bought himself a pack of chips and started to dig into it to kill his time. The more he checked his watch, the more slower the time seemed to go. He still had one and half hour to kill. The airport wasn't far from him, he reached by ten minutes of drive, by the night free roads. 

Zhan's mind still couldn't believe, he was actually leaving all behind and going to an unknown place with no certain aim to achieve. The deeper his thoughts grew, the restless he started to feel. Shoving out his mobile , from the pocket, he scrolled through the gallery. For the last time he stared at the happy face of his lover, that was captured behind the screen of his phone. Eyes already started to betray him. Angrily shoved back the phone inside the pocket.

He could finally hear announcement for the arrival of his flight by five minutes. His hands wrapped around his own chest, he felt his heart skipping beats, and his breath shortening. Was it a dream? Was he drowning? He could see the plane landing through the glass door. Passing through the security force for the last checking he finally entered into the flight.

"This way Sir. Here.... No Sir Here.... Yes.. do you need anything?..... Okay Sir. Have a nice trip." An air hostess sweetly approached him to his seat. Zhan leisurely nodded a 'no', when being asked if he needed anything. His motto was to sleep once the flight boards. Pulled out his ear plugs, and decided to avoid the crowd and stared out through the window beside him. His vision already blurred with the unshed tears that he hold onto. Indeed he was leaving everything behind. the other two beloved of his life. Mrs. Lee and his sweet young beloved, who would suffer too much with this sudden raze of shock.

"Bo-Di. I hope you stay well. Gege is sorry to leave you my love. But I can no more love you. I'm bound to leave baby." 

While talking to himself about his other half, he remembered the painting that Yibo gifted him. He knew he want that. He immediately called for his boss and asked him to currier that painting. Since Zhan decided to work for them , they didn't deny his demands. The painting was immediately taken away from his home, and was made ready for couriering to his new address. They knew Zhan's capability, will earn them a lot of wealth. They had the faith , since Zhan himself decided to work. So without any hesitation, they kept fulfilling the present need of Zhan.

Next Morning ,  Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport 

Zhan reached by four in the morning , since there was a time gap among the countries. Walking out of the airport, Zhan's attire could be read as a person with deep cuts in his heart. He decided to spent that day at a hotel, before his boss decides the place of his survival. Breathing the new warm air, he walked upto his destination, with a heavy heart and a pale face. 

"Take care Bo-Di. I wish you go ahead in your life and marry the person who deserves your love." uttered to his lover's picture in his gallery, that he decided to delete and remove all the traces of having a boyfriend. He swore himself to become person, contrasting his actual personality. 

Sighing the last time , he pressed on the delete button. His heart clenched the moment, pictures vanished in blink of his eyes. 

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