Chapter 53

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Zhan's Apartment

"Keep the master piece in the my bedroom.... Properly.. Don't harm it. .. Yes yes just right there." Zhan was commanding his helpers to arrange his new apartment, that he bought to live in. It was just ten times bigger than the one he used to live in with his father. Master piece he referred to was the painting he bought from his former lover. Yes it's the red thread paining of the boy, the other half of the painting, that is in Yibo's room. Zhan still keeps it close to his view. And he still tries to feel the warmth through the painting. 

"It's been a while , that you haven't been under the China sky. How do you feel sir?" Asked the personal assistant. Zhan came out of his daze, he was still admiring the art piece. "What should I feel? It's same as there. Isn't it ?" He asked while facing the sky and then glancing at the man beside him. "You went there for three years straight. You have missed been here haven't you?" Asked the man. Zhan's face turned stoic, that made the other person gulp on his own saliva. 

"Go out of the room." Said Zhan in a deep tone. "Huh! What ... What." Stuttering at his words, he started to back step towards the door. "I said leave the room." Screeched in a high tone, and banged the door close at his face when he was just out of his door. "Sir. You have meeting after sometime. Sir..." He tried to bang, but the loud bang that he heard from the other side, in half a second he was completely out of the apartment door in fear. "Ahh! He's so scary. I'll lose my job even if I trouble him, or if he reach late to the meeting... Ahhhh this man !" Saying so he kept an eye on the people dropping the cartoons boxes at the apartment. 

This was actually the contrast of the polite Zhan , that died along with his father. Yes sometimes losing the close ones can make you change the way of you living. But will this Zhan be easy to approach by his young lover? Will Yibo be able to take back what belongs to him?


"Did you wait longer by any chance?" Youn asked while approaching near Yibo. "No. Just arrived." He said with a smile. " You seems to be happy today.. Come this way." Saying so they walked into Youn's cabin.  Youn felt relief to see his brother finally learning to smile. But to what he didn't know was, that Yibo was still hurting all within.

"Oh! I have a small gift for you." Youn said as he ruffled the younger's hair. "What is it?" Yibo asked with glittering eyes. His voice trailed his excitement. "Tadaaaaa ! ....Try out" Said the elder while handing a pair of new branded sneakers. "Ge! You didn't have to get me this. I just admired that day. I... I didn't thought of getting one." Yibo said in a low , sweet tone while admiring the shoes in his hands. "Oh! Come on. I saw how much you admired it. Just try it... I think it will fit well." Youn said as he took the pair from Yibo's hand and bent down on his knees to make the younger person wear it. 

"Ge it's fine. I'll wear myself. Ge!" Yibo got startled when the elder one touched his feet to help him wear. "Open.." Said the elder while pulling out one of the shoe he was wearing. Yibo stayed silent and let Youn help after few seconds of hesitation. "Look... Wow ! It suits you best." Youn mumbled in a satisfied tone. "Thank you Gege. I'll pay you . I know it's too expensive." Said Yibo while his eyes lingering over the new pair of shoes in his toes. " Bo. Don't annoy me this bad. Now that I'll take money for a gift." Said Youn while smacking onto the younger's head. "Thank you so much. I'm so much happy to have you." The younger man trailed his words with great emotion, and hugged Youn, his hands encircled around the waist. While Youn patted the shoulder of the sitting younger. 

Yibo tried to blink off the tears , that were urging to fall. As the days kept passing, Yibo started to become too much emotional, and even a very small issue can make him cry. When he's happy or when he's sad , his tears free flow without any proper reason. Yibo turned into a very sensitive man, that once he wasn't and was named as a cold prince. His coldness was long gone. Now that he can easily talk and get along people. Maybe he got all these from his former lover. The lover for whom he yearned wholeheartedly. 

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