VI. New Manager

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Mitsuri walked to her classroom thinking on how she's gonna starve today but cheers up and treats it like a diet.

"Mitsuri-san! You look pretty down eh?", Hayako asks Mitsuri who already sat down to her seat.

"It's nothing Hayako-san! Just thinking on how I'm gonna be able to eat more sakura mochi", Mitsuri blurted out without thinking.

"He~, didn't know that you're a glutton Mitsuri", Hayako teased.

"Ne, ne, Shimizu-senpai", Mitsuri called Shimizu.

"Yes Mitsuri?", Shimizu inquired.

"I heard from Daichi-senpai that you were looking for a manager before I joined..Have you found one?", asks Mitsuri to Shimizu who looked a little surprised at the question.

"Yes, I found one willing to try, but you're already here so I don't think I should continue", Shimizu tells Mitsuri who immediately clutched her hands while looking at her with sparkly eyes.

"You should totally get her to join senpai! It would be nice to have another girl with us!", Mitsuri tell Shimizu who contemplated what she said, well the more the merrier.

"Alright, I'll introduce her here before the end of the practice", Shimizu smiled at her making Mitsuri praise her beauty and kindness in her mind.

The two managers then continued whatever manager work they are doing.
Mitsuri and Shimizu went together to get their new potential manager.

"Guys! We got someone to introduce you!", Mitsuri yelled for the attention of the whole team.

"We got a potential manager here, she's gonna be trying out so be good okay?", Mitsuri added thinking how cute and shy the potential manager.

"Introduce yourself Yachi-san", Shimizu instructs the girl hiding behind her who is gulping in fear on how tall and intimidating everyone was.

"MY NAME IS HITOKA YACHI! PLEASE TAKE CARE OF ME!", Hitoka yelled then flinched when everyone closed in on her.

"US TOO", everyone bowed.

Hitoka then bolted out the door leaving everyone confused.
"She's a really shy one, ne? But I'll introduce the rest, she's a first year in class 5, I hope you don't scare her too much", Mitsuri tells them while mentally squealing and worried on how adorable and cute Yachi was behaving.

"Then why did she go out fast?", asked Hinata, curious on why did the girl run out quickly.

"Well, she's supposed to be only introduced today", Shimizu tells them getting a series of 'ooh's'.

"WHATEVER YOU SAY OUR GODDESS!", Nishinoya and Tanaka said earning a smack from Sugawara.
The next day Hitoka was doing manager works with Mitsuri and Shimizu, marvelling on how beautiful the two are, and of course Mitsuri praises her too in her mind.

"YACHI-SAN! THE THINGS YOU TAUGHT US WERE SHOWN IN THE TEST!", Hinata enthusiastically told Yachi who looked startled.

"AND I GOT 1/3 OF THE QUESTIONS RIGHT!", Hinata happily added making Yachi jump with joy along with him.

"Hinata's friendliness sure is strong", Sugawara said while looking at Yachi and Hinata jumping and communicating in a weird way.

"Yeah, he even befriended Nekoma's setter", Asahi added beside Sugawara.

"Getting excited over 1/3..", Tsukishima whispered beside Asahi.

"What's this about teaching and test?", Mitsuri asked Sugawara.

"Well, Hinata and Kageyama failed the test so they're taking the supplementary one and had Yachi-san tutor them", Sugawara replied to Mitsuri who was mentally squealing how adorable the two are.

"Eh, why do I not know about this?", Mitsuri whined to her cousin because she too, want to help her cute juniors.

"Well..", Asahi looked away, remembering how disastrous her explanations are.

"Well?", Mitsuri asked her cousin.

"Actually, it's because Yachi is a first year like them so we only asked her and we don't want to trouble you", Daichi rescued Asahi who looked at him gratefully. Daichi deduced that it's because of her..not so good narration last time in their practice.

"I see", Mitsuri said disappointedly, making Tanaka and Nishinoya look at her.

"YOU CAN TUTOR US MITSURI-CHAN!", both said not knowing what they are getting into.

"REALLY?", Mitsuri clarifies, already back to her cheerful self.

"YEAH!", both said, making Asahi who were looking at them sigh in pity.

'A BEAUTIFUL GIRL IS GONNA TEACH US PERSONALLY!',both thought blissfully unaware of what's to come.
Practice continued with Hitoka being amazed by the volleyball club and almost getting hit by a stray ball but saved by both Hinata and Mitsuri.

Yachi stood frozen as Mitsuri slammed the ball that's flying to her face down so loud everyone stopped and looked at them for a moment.

"Are you okay, Yachi-chan?", Mitsuri asked, worried for her junior.

"Y-yes, senpai!", Yachi stuttered a little still shocked at what happened and to Mitsuri's strength.

"I'm glad", Mitsuri smiled at her then hummed a cheerful song with a jump to her step and went to whatever she was doing before.

Everyone just looked at Mitsuri's back.

'S-strong!!', everyone thought.

"Ohhhh, MITSURI-CHAN'S SO HOT!", Tanaka said with sparkles in his eyes.


'She must not be angered', some solemnly thought.
"You already finished changing Yachi-san? Well, wait for us to change too so that we could see you off", Shimizu said to Yachi while heading to the changing room to get changed.

"You don't need to senpai! In fact I should be the one to see you off!", Yachi told Shimizu.

"Don't worry about it Yachi-chan! We're happy to see you off!", Mitsuri said to Yachi while praising how cute and thoughtful Yachi is.

"Yes", Shimizu agreed with a smile.
"YACHI! ARE YOU GONNA BE OUR MANAGER!?", Hinata asked the girl, making the said girl jump.

"YOU ARE, RIGHT?!", Hinata added.

Before Yachi could reply Tanaka and Nishinoya cut her off.

"HEY FIRST YEAR GIRLIE!", Nishinoya and Tanaka yelled.

"You definitely have to join the volleyball club", Nishinoya said seriously.

"When you're here, Kiyoko-san and Mitsuri smiles and talks a lot", followed Tanaka with a smile, both earning a smack from Daichi.

"I'd be very happy if you join us Yachi-san!", Mitsuri said happily to Yachi.

After that everyone headed home, excited for the things to come tomorrow.

A/N: this a kinda awkward end? Oof, if you still hadn't noticed, I'm very awkward with titles hehe well, you can suggest me a more suitable title ehehehe


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