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~ phoenix ~

I stretched languidly, against Ilya's hard body.

Two days later, we were back to our room. Today, I decided against the gym, probably a bad idea, but after yesterday's rather unconventional workout with my silvery-eyed devil, I was more than sore.

I glanced warily at the shrivelled up condoms littering the floor.

As I moved to get up, an arm hand held me down.

"Ilya," I complained hoarsely, "I thought we got over this!"

He grumbled unintelligibly, burying his face between my breasts. Sighing, I played with his hair.

A moment later, he raised his head, blinking at me. The sight was adorable. Unable to resist, I pressed a kiss to his nose with a grin.

Scowling, he rolled onto his back.

"Clear your schedule today," he demanded, suddenly.

Resting my head on my hand, I turned to face him. "Why?" I murmured, tracing his chest absentmindedly.

My thoughts were occupied with other things. More specifically the fat red sign in my head screaming one day left.

"Do you know what day it is today?" he asked, frowning.

That caught my attention. My mind raced. It was October 3rd. I couldn't have forgotten his birthday - no that was in March. Mine was in April. Our anniversary? Nope, that was in summer.

I glanced at him warily. What could I have forgotten?

Sighing, he got up and his sexy ass moved towards the en-suite.

"Ilya!" I called, running after him.

He stepped into the shower. Without thinking, I followed him in.

"What day-"

All of a sudden, the shower door slammed shut. Did he just—

Glaring, I shoved him away from the water so I could step under it. Grabbing my shower gel, I lathered it onto my body, completely ignoring the silver eyes piercing into my back. If he wanted to shower together, then shower we would do.

I slapped the hand that reached for my waist. "Uh-uh, I'm sore."

A boyish grin appeared on his face. "Good."

Jaw hanging open, I flicked some soap at him. "Good? Yeah, that means no sex for a week," I retorted sharply.

The truth that resonated in my words was like a bitter pill. A voice in my head reminded me it would be longer than that.

Ilya didn't pick up on the sudden decline in my mood. "If that's what you think, baby."

It's what I know, baby.

"I love you," I suddenly blurted, hugging him. Despite the slippery soap between us, I did my best to throw my arms around him securely.

I noticed his demeanour soften.

"I love you too, baby," he murmured, stroking my hair. I didn't miss the tinge of suspicion in his voice.

Fuck, I was giving myself away.

To distract him, I squirted a large amount of conditioner onto his hair. Ilya couldn't stand the stuff.

Jumping back, he glared at me. The suspicion evaporated.

I grinned to hide the pain.

Muttering, he quickly rinsed it off.

Before he could retaliate, I stumbled on slippery feet out of the shower. When he poked his head out, there were still bubbles in his hair.

𝑇𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑃ℎ𝑜𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑥 ✔︎ ||  𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑑Where stories live. Discover now