I think i've been running alittle too much.

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He was right infront of me, groping and grabbing at Tamara like his life depended on it, kissing along the way. I heard more growls, but a new kind of pain struck through me, and I had to run out of the house. Hearing everyone call for my name, a million times but no-one followed. It was pitch black around me, but I still just kept going, walking up the road, the street lights shining over head when I came out of the surrounding of the forest. He did feel a pull towards her. He did love her. He lied, again. More and more lies, it's all just been lies. I felt my wrists burning. Burning like fire, sizzling and cracking like it would against ice. I wanted to yelp, but I ignored the feel and kept walking till I seen an old park. There was a baseball field, and some old rusted bleachers. Halting to a stop, I turned and started walking around past some stray tree's. I didn't know what I wanted to do. Scream in pain, cry with heartache, or laugh with gut wretching bitterness. So I settled for punching. Anything and everything around me. My arms, and fists scratching against bare bark in the worst possible way. And still, after i let out my anger that way, I kept walking till I reached the bleachers.

Climbing slowly step my step until cool metal froze my ass. I felt more alone than I ever had in my life. I didn't know what I wanted, or what I needed. My stomach was churning, I reaked of puke, my skin was sticky with tears, and my head was throbbing. Closing my eyes I tuned into my wolf.

"Are you okay?" She asked me, her voice angelic despite its raspy sound. I nodded biting my lip.

"Are you okay?" I asked back.

"I've lost two mates in less than three years. I'm far from being okay, Katty." She told me, using a nickname she's always had for me. Not only was she my other half, but she was also the only person in the world I knew would never and could never leave me. I liked that thought the most.

"I'm so sorry. I screwed everything up." I told her, emotion building in my voice.

"No. You didn't do anything! Elijah was a mistake. That's final. You and I, we have eachother. We'll always have eachother." She told me. She sounded so young, her voice only slightly different from mine. I wanted to laugh at the thought, but I couldn't bring myself too.

"Yeah. He was." I agreed, grimly. She stayed silent.

"Do you ever think we should have died with mom and dad?" I asked her softly.

"I can't think like that for two reasons. One, being that my thoughts, don't matter since you're in control, and two being, that I have to stay strong. For you." she said equally soft back and I smiled slightly, only to have it turn into a grimance.

Neither of us said anything, we just listened to the wind around us, the leaves rustling, the scitter scatters of the woodlind aminlas around us. It was nice, it was quiet. But then my thoughts interrupted, and I found myself wondering things that I wished I hadn't.

"Why us?" I asked suddenly.

"Why not us?" She replied and I darted my eyes open, letting our connection falter.

She was right. Why not us? I've been feeling sorry for myself this whole time when people around me could have easily gone throught he same thing. I shouldn't care. I shouldn't get worked up over someone who didn't want me. I gripped the bottom of the bleachers bench and ground my jaw together. I shouldn't show any emotion over him, no tears no nothing. I was begining to think that running from my home was a mistake in the first place, but then I never would have met Rebekah and Cliff and Joel. My wrists burned again at the thought and I had to look down. A gasp left my lips, and rushed out in a puff of cool breeze. It must be a chilly night, being me wouldn't know that bu- focus. I looked down at my wrists again. There lay two words tattooed in greek.

Προστατευόμενη and από which means 'Protected by' and then there were two names tattoed under it, one on each wrist. Cliff. And Joel. And then my eyes met something red, something red pouring over the new tattoo, and dripping down my arms. I turned them over, plams out flat, face down, and realized that punching tree's? Wasn't my best idea. My skin was broken in 20 different places, and gushing blood. Yum, I thought sarcastically.

I just then noticed the stinging, and the pieces of tree bark, and spinters wedged arouns my knuckles. Shaking my hand in obvious pain I didn't know what else to do. I was stumped. Option one could be: Go home, get cleaned up, and deal with drama. Option two: Stay here in pain. I liked the last one, so I just sat there, clenching my firsts together, wondering about my wrist, about my life, about what everything around me meant. Or atleast I was until a voice startled me by saying "Need a hand?" and I jumped 50 feet in the air. I looked to the person who had just scared me and felt my heart beat drop and pick-up. "Depends." I pursed my lips, clutching the bottom of the bench again, my knuckles going white. "On?" another voice asked. "Do you have cookies?" I asked, childeshly. They both laughed. "I knew you'd want some, were coming up." one of them called up, and I nodded even though they couldn't see me. The bleachers creeked as they both climbed, and sat down on either side of me, handing be a bag of cookie crumbs, that should be whole cookies. I looked between them both. "Sorry, kinda got squished along the way." I almost laughed, but once again couldn't bring myself to do anything but grimance.

Instead I sighed, leaning my head back against the metal bars, starring up at the night sky's stars. "Do you guys ever feel like if you blink, everything that is beautiful around you will just dis-appear?" I asked them. They both leaned in the same position I was in and starred up aswell. "Like it's almost too good to be true, so you want to save it forever?" Ace added. "Almost like... if you loose it you loose yourself?" Stark joined in. I nodded, "Yeah. Exactly like that." I told him in a weak voice. "Yup." They said together. "I know that feeling." Ace said, grabbing my hand and squeezing lightly, and I flinched, not wanting to let go despite the pain. "The day you came back I was afraid to blink, wanting to savour the moment forever when you finally told me it was really you." he told me. "And every day after I left, I was afraid to blink. Because I knew I couldn't see anything else but how sad your face would be, Kat." Stark said, grabbing my other hand, and I didn't flinch this time. "Do you think everything's gonna be.. good again?" I asked to no-one in purticular. "We can't make any promises...." Stark started. "...but we'll try our hardest to do our part in making it good." Ace finshed. And I felt newer tears fall down the corners of my eyes. Only, not in saddness this time. Just because I knew I wasn't ever going to be alone.


Another chapter guys! Hope it wasn't confusing!! >,<

Supermen to the rescue? What you guys thinking so far??
Stark and Ace... hmm.

And what about those tattoo's? :O

Let me know in a comment..

&& vote and fna if you'd like! :) Thanks ma lovelies.


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