Give me Love ~ The Final Chapter.

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Here it is ladies and gents, the final chapter of Untamable (Book one). Enjoy (:

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Katerina's (P.O.V)

I let Kaden drive him and I to his place so he could grab what he wanted to wear for tonight. I pulled up, he hopped out and I waited in the car until came out with duffel bag not too long after.
I let Kaden drive again. The car was quiet until out of nowhere, Kaden says, "He doesn't deserve you." And I frown. "How do you always know when something has happened?" I ask and he shrugs in response.
"I just know you. And he doesn't deserve you. Don't let him ruin your night, Kat. You're going to look beautiful tonight. Mate or not. And you can get any guy in the world." he winks at me and I laugh. "Thanks, Kade. Maybe someday I'll believe that." I peck him cheek and he blushes. "No problem." He breaths a small laugh and I shake my head, looking out the window.
It was a full moon tonight. I tuned in my hearing, and listened to the sound of the howling rouges and paws rushing across the woods dirt. It made me smile to think about shifting.

I closed everything off and just listened to my wolf.

"How're you doing?" I asked her. She whimpered.

I understand why you make the choices you do, it just hurts.

I frown feeling guilty.

I was always screw this up for you, this whole mate thing. I hear a small whimper from her.

It's okay Katty. We'll get through.
Happy birthday!

I smile to myself. "Thank you. Doesn't feel like a very happy day for either of us though, just feels kind of empty." I admitted and she whimpered again.

I was always hoping that Alpha Kol would change. I still see his wolf howling, I see the pain it caused him the day he rejected us. I held onto that this entire time, and when we finally had him, he went back to his old ways.

And her voice sounded so sad as she continued.

... I know now what we have to do Katty.

I listened close to what she said and it took all I had into me not to gasp or cry and scream.
This was another secret to hold onto. But I agreed with her, and left it at that. I tuned back out of my inner self to pay attention to Kaden. "Nice chat?" he asked and I laughed. "Yeah. Nice." I lied and looked out the window to see the new pack house come into view. The lights were shinning bright from the windows,  and the moon made everything look so mystical, and powerful. And I realized that I just had to enjoy myself tonight like Kaden said. I couldn't let pointless things get to me, because it just wasn't worth it anymore. Kaden pulled into the parking lot of the lodge and he came around my side of the car and held the door open for me. "Thank you, sir." I grinned and he bowed. "No problem, darlin'." He said and grinned back. I took his arm once again and we started walking towards the doors. "Let's go get ready." I tell him as we enter the doors and begin to walk to my room. We could hear the music blasting loudly. "At any point in the night, you can come find me, and we'll escape to my house without question, alright?" He told me nervously and I nodded just as nervous.

It takes us about two hours to get ready. We were both sorta matching in black. I was feeling rather beautiful, my red hair falling down my back in curls. I applied more make up than usual and did my best to put a smile on my face before turning toward a ready to go Kaden.
We head out and down toward the party. We're standing just outside the doors when Kaden smiles at me.
"Time to face the music, huh?" he asks. He grabs my hand and I smile. He gives my hand a squeeze and I squeeze back. "I'm ready." I say aloud and I take breath before we pushed open the doors and walked into the hectic party.

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