A lot of love

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Everything was everywhere. In our hair, over our clothes, in our eyes which were now squinting with laughter. It was all over the floor and counters. We were grinning at each other. "That was fun, I haven't done anything like that before." I say happily. "That was fun." He agrees and pecks my cheek. "So, have you ever done something like this before?" He asks slowly. "Something like what?" I ask confused. He sprays my neck with a bit of whip-cream before licking it off, kissing up my jaw to my lips. I moan against his lips and push my hips into his. He grabs my hips and lets out his own mown. "Nope," I mumble as I pull away breathless. "Good." He smirks. "C'mon. I got one other thing that'll be a first for us both." He says, wiping something off my face. I frown. I hate being sticky. Elijah takes my hand and tugs me upstairs to his bedroom. I had a feeling I knew what he had in mind.
He closes the door behind us and stands in front of me, a smile on his face. "Let's shower together," he says and I can only nod. He slips my shirt over my head and undoes my bra, tossing them both into the floor. He trails kisses along my neck yet again and doesn't touch my pants. He tugs me into the bathroom and strips himself of his own clothes. He turns on the shower and winks at me before climbing in. I undo my pants and slip out of my undies. I bite my lip and step into the shower too. He looks down at me, kisses my lips and soon we're washing on another, getting the remaining whip-cream and such off of our bodies. Elijah gets me to wash his hair and he helps me wash my body. He doesn't touch between my legs, he doesn't over-step, he's gentle and it makes me smile. Once we finish up, Elijah and I throw on some pj's and head downstairs to clean up our mess.

I kneel on the kitchen floor, wiping up some left over chocolate. It was disgusting in here and I already knew I'd be showering again after this. I would do it all over again if I could, though. I frown for a moment, memories of cleaning up after my old pack were now trailing through my brain. I shake my head. I don't want to ruin my good mood.
Elijah is in his office doing work and making the arrangements for tomorrow. I finishbefore the rush of mothers in the pack began gathering in the kitchen. They start cooking, gossiping away and I slowly back out, hoping I cleaned it all up.
In about two hours, we're all sitting down at the dinning room table, eating our last dinner as this pack and this pack alone.

I moan and take another bite of mash potatoes. Elijah's mom Ester was smiling at me. "Is it that good, hunny?" she asks me. I swallow and blush. "Yes m'am. Sorry." I say and take a sip of water. Elijah's mom and dad live in the pack house with us, even though they don't run it. She's such a nice lady, cares so much about her family. Elijahs dad is a good man with a strange sense of humour. He is good to his wife and son. A hint of jealous picks at my brain and I push it aside. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. Eat up, you are just skin and bones." she glares playfully. I nod with a smile and continue eating. Elijah is holding my hand under the table, rubbing his thumb across it. It feels good. I smiled sideways at him and he wink. "Oh you guys are so cute." one of the little girls from the pack says. I blush again and hide my face a bit more while eating my food. "Hey, don't hide." Elijah's dad Ron pulls my chin up and smirks at me. I guess that's where Elijah gets it from. "You look very adorable like that, darlin'." He chuckles and I hid my face in Elijahs shoulder.

"Dad." He groans. "Oh hush." Esther scolds her son. I laugh, pull away and begin eating again. "How's training going?" Ester asks me. I swallow. "Good, thank you. I was able to get the drop on Cliff and Joel a few times." I grin. Mr and Mrs Moore both smile. "Don't remind me." Joel mutters as Cliff laughs. "That woman right there," He points to me. "She scares me. And she picks things up so quick!" He states and I laugh along with the table. "She's takes down your son as well." Joel says with a smirk. "Twice," I say and smile. Elijah smiles down at me, he can't help but be proud I guess. "She really is something." Rebekah adds in and I wink at her. Both of us, really are something.
"Tamara honey, how're you like the pack so far?" Ester asks Tamara who's seated beside Joel, of course. Cliff was beside him and Rebekah was beside Cliff. I watch as she clenches the table, enough that the table cloth shifts a bit on her end. Crap. Joel glares in her direction whilst Tamara continues to talk.
"It's been great ma'm. Everyone is so kind and welcoming." She smiles and a few pack members mumble some happy replies about her being welcome and at home.
Not everyone.." Joel frowns in Rebekahs direction. She frowns back, adjusting the table cloth a bit. I want to kick Joel. She can't fucking help it if she doesn't like the chick, it hurts seeing them with someone else.
"Shut it." Cliff growls lowly at Joel. "It's the truth, I told you earlier, she's always angry when Tamara's around." Joel hisses back at him. He is stupid sometimes, really. I look around and the other members of the pack were just talking away, not paying attention to us thankfully.
"I'm right here you know." Bekah says quietly. "Yes, you are. Why is it that you sit so close to us when you know you'll be pissed off!" He says to her and she flinches. She doesn't want to sit near both of you, she wants to sit near you! I want to scream at him.
"I am sitting with my friends thank you." She replies in a soft voice. "If you continue to act like this, you'll be losing one." He says and glares. He yelps and Cliff punches him in the dick, I assume. We get a few stares. "If you'll excuse me please, I don't feel well." Rebekah mumbles and steps out of the dinning room. "Oh, poor dear, is she alright?" Ron asks. I nod. She will be..." I mutter and glare at Joel. I am mad. I hear Cliff laugh, "I'd watch out." He nudges Joel's shoulder glaring and he gets a glare in return. I'll deal with him later. I hope Rebekah is okay.

"Katerina hunny, I wanted to ask you how you were handling things, with the packs moving and such." Esther asks me. We now had dessert infront of us, Triffull. It's jelly rolls, pudding, jello, whip cream and cherries. It tasted amazing . "I'm... okay." I reply, picking at my dessert. "Don't you worry. It'll be for the best, you'll all see." Ron tells me, well I guess all of us. I nod slowly. "I'll just take it one day at a time sir, thank you." I smile at him.
"Oh, I didn't even notice, what a pretty necklace." Ester says to me. I look down at the charm and grin. "Thank you, Elijah gave it to me." I tell them feeling happy. "Well done, son. You sure know how to pick em'." He winks at Elijah. I wonder what he's talking about, the necklace... or me.
Then I start thinking about Elijah finding his mate, and how he wouldn't pick her, he would be given her. He would love her, like Kol should have loved me.
I found myself thinking this, and my heart hurts. Elijah squeezes my hand and brings it to his lips to kiss it. I smile and kiss his lips. The world goes away for a second and he pushes all his passion into this one kiss. I don't know what comes over me but I find myself matching his passion.
There's a flash and I pull away embarrassed. "Sorry.." I say shyly. Cliff had snapped a picture with his phone. I glare at him. "Oh, what cuties." he laughs and wiggles the phone at me. "I think I'll put this as my phones background picture, maybe send it to a few people." He says with a shrug. "I'm sorry Esther, Ron. You might just loose your Beta this evening." I growl, feeling embarrassed and angry. I rise quickly from my chair.

"Okay, you win. Mercy," he begs. "Giving up so soon?" I tease him. "Yes, let me up." he begs. Members of the pack were surrounding us as I hold Cliff down against the carpeted floor by his throat.
No part of me knew why I was so strong at the moment but I was. Maybe the anger. I stood there arms crossed, foot pressed down into his chest, admiring my work with Elijah standing behind me.
I take a look around the living room and a few women catch my eye. Cliff tries to impress them often. I look back to him.
"So, are you ready to apologize?" I ask him. "I'm sorry, okay? It was a joke." He says and I nod slowly. "Well, I figure... I should teach you a lesson and embarrass you, like you embarrassed me." I tell him playfully. He groans, "Kat, c'mon." And I laugh, releasing my foot. "Don't worry, I wouldn't do that." I say with a smile in triumph. Knowing that him being pinned down by a woman was embarrassment enough for the big bad beta.

Elijah pulls me into his arms and we wave goodbye to Cliff who was now leaning up on the living room carpet taking deep breaths.
We walk into Elijah's room and he closes the door behind him. He starts to strip, leaving nothing but his boxers. I close my eyes and cover them with my palms, giggling.
"You've seen it already babe." And I peek my eyes through my fingers. He smirks at me. "I know. I thought I'd try to be cute." I laugh and start to strip off my clothes. Wearing nothing but my bra and panties, I walk over to his dresser, grab a shirt and slip it over my head. I take my bra off from underneath my shirt and my back to him. When I finish I turn to find him laying on the bed with his arms being his heads "You look beautiful." He says and I smile. "Why thank you." I reply and hop into the bed beside him. "You're very welcome." He grins at me and kisses my lips. I love you." He says. "I can't begin to wonder why you do..." I admit and he fake glares.
"Then don't over-think it." He smirks and runs his nose along my jaw. I smile as well. "I love you." I tell him and meet his lips again. He smiles against them and hugs me close before pulling away. "Get some sleep babe, we have lots do to tommorrow." He tells me and kisses my cheek before I turn around. I find him pulling my back to his front after I turn off the light. I close my eyes. "Night." I yawn to him. He laughs. "Goodnight." He says and started rubbing my arms till I start getting fuzzy vision. I think I fell asleep some time after that.



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Tomorrow's the day.... she has to face her past.... :(

Let me know what you guys think!!! THANKYOUUU!! :D<3






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