All gone wrong.

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Katerina's (P.O.V)

I chewed my nails, deciding what I was going to do for clothing. Kaden and I woke up at 7:30, and he was currently in the shower, as I was sitting on his bed, already showered, and now needing something to wear. Liz said I could wear something of her's, but she was much bigger then me, and I wouldn't fit anything properly. I chewed and chewed, right down to the numb with nervousness. Tilting my head from side to side, feeling the weight of my brain melting away with dumb thoughts. Oh! I know. I jumped up off the bed, and stepped around the drawings surrounding me, standing before Kaden's large black dresser. I pulled open a drawer and pushed threw the piles of clothes. I finally found a long sleeve shirt, it was navy blue, which was even better. I neatened up the drawer again then closed it. I pulled the PJ top over my head, slipped Kaden's shirt on and it came to to mid thigh. It fit almost perfectly aside form the length. The sleeves were a little short, showing some of my wrist, but it still looked good. Going over to my pile of clothes, I grabbed my black belt, and slipped it on, folding the shirt beneath it so it looks like a long tight dress. Looking in the mirror for a split second I decided I looked fine and ran my fingers through my damp hair, scrunching it up to curl. Slipping on the same shoes I wore last night, I was ready to go and just went downstairs to give Kaden some privacy for when he got out of the shower.

Liz had some blueberry pancakes set out on the dining room table when I got there and glasses of milk. I grinned, feeling my stomach rumble and took a seat. "Thank you for letting me spend the night, it was really helpful." I told her as she took a seat with me. "Oh it's no problem, darlin'. You're welcome anytime. Oh! And Happy Birthday." she winks and smiles at me. I smile: "Thank you. I almost forgot about my birthday..." I start to think about what it'll be like but halt my thoughts. "Do you and Kaden have any other family? I ask taking a bite. Liz laughs. "No, no family. Kaden want's a dog but I haven't gotten around to it." Liz tells me and chugs her milk, leaving a slight moustache on her face. We both laughed as she cleaned it and I shake my head, that homey feeling radiating through me again. "I've always wanted a dog, but with the pack... some people just don't like the idea." I told her sadly.

Just then, Kaden came downstairs. "Everything alright ere'?" he asked, and nibbled on his dry pancake. Who doesn't put anything on pancakes!? I shook my head. "Yup! Just fine. C'mon, hurry up. We're gonna be late." I scolded him playfully and he rolled his eyes, stuffing the entire pancake in him mouth. He grabs his bag off the coat hanger in the hall, and I make sure I have my car keys when we leave out the front door. "Bye mum!" Kaden shouts and she shouts a retreat to us both. When we climbed into my car, i heard the ending of my ringtone go off. "Crap!" I said, snatching it from the passenger seat as Kaden got in. "What's wrong?" he asked and I shook my head. 27 missed calls, text messages, and 6 voicemails. He glanced a the screen and seen my problem. "Damn, someone was blowing up your phone, eh?" he said and I found myself grinning. It was infectious.. and I had to smile back. I scrolled through the alerts.

Rebekah called me 7 times.

Joel called me 6 times.

Cliff called me 6 times.

Renee called me 4 times.

Ace called me 3 times.

And Melonie called me once.

I felt a pang of something when I realized Kol hadn't called me to ask where I was and I was supposed to be sleeping in the same bed with him last night. Surely, he should have noticed I was gone, right? Hell, even Melonie called me! I felt exausted despite my good night's sleep, but I ignored the feel and went through the text messages.

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