I can't catch a break.

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** Contains swearing that some readers might find either offensive or amusing***

"Melonie, how good to see you." I say, fake kindness clear in my voice. "This new appearance of yours doesn't change anything, Katerina." She says slowly. Rebekah growls. "You'll never be accepted into this pack as an equal. You'll never be his, not while I'm around." She states. "Oh shit, okay. Lets make sure you're no longer around." Rebekah says and I see her hands start to glow.
Melonie looks at her briefly before looking back at me. "Getting people to fight your battles? I knew you were just as weak as you always were." She smiles. "This is what family looks like, idiot. If there was anyone who actually loved you enough to protect you like this, you'd see that." I state angrily. She glares and steps forward. "This isn't your family, Katerina. Half of your family is dead and the other half is in this house somewhere, broken." She tells me, her anger rising as well. "How does it feel knowing all your parents died because of you?" She asks bluntly. Tamara slaps her. It happens so quick, none of us could stop her.
The guys are all standing back, wise of them. I watch as Melonie grips her cheek, glaring at Tamara before slowly looking at me. How dramatic. "You never answered my question. How does it feel?" She asks me again. I don't have a chance to respond. "What the fuck is your problem!" Rebekah yells and Joel wraps his arms around her, lifting her off the ground and turning her around. "I think it's best if you leave, Melonie. Now." Elijah states. "No, I have something to say." I say to him and walk closer to Melonie. "If you think you're wanted for anymore for than your ass or your breasts, you're wrong. You're a toy, something for men to play with, for Kol to play with. And that means, it would be easy for him to throw your ass away. Especially now that his mate is back under his roof." She glares at my words. I am now standing in front of her. "If you believe I won't be accepted into this pack, you're very wrong. You and I both know he won't be able to resist me. Lets see how long it takes for him to get tired of his toy this time around." I pat her sore cheek before slapping it. "Stay the fuck away from me and my family from now on." I growl, "Leave."

She whines, running in the direction of the pack meeting room. Their were a few pack members gathered around us and I smile in apology to them. They walk away bowing slightly, confused yet again. Soon, I was left with just me group again. "That was single handingly that sexiest thing, bravest since I have ever seen you do, babe." Elijah says, kisses my lips and jaw. I blushed and laugh nervously before kissing him, strong and passionately. My thoughts melt away, everything and everyone melt away. He hold me so lightly, as if I might break, yet some how I knew that if I even tried to pull away he wouldn't allow it. I tighten my hold on his neck, pulling his lips harder into mine before finally he pulls away for a breath, both of us laughing awkwardly. Sorry.." He mutters and runs his hand through his hair.

"Thank you, by the way. Bekah, Tamara I cannot believe how strong you both are." I tell them. "T, that was some slap." I say and she nods with a small laugh, "My hand still stings." And I can't help but laugh too. Rebekah takes Tamaras hand and smiles at her before turning to me. "We figured, since the guy's couldn't do anything about, we should take the chance to step in." Rebekah says and I smile. "This has been one hell of a way to start this whole move." Cliff says and I groan. "It really has."
"Did you seriously insult and assault my mate?" Kol storms into the living room. I hold back a laugh, remembering the slap Tamara gave her. "Go away." I tell him with a groan.
Melonie is sobbing behind him, clingly to him like glue. The rest of the pack members were forming around us in confusion. Both Elijahs and Kols pack. "Hi Melonie." I said in a pitchy high voice and waggled my fingers in her direction. She sobs fake tears harder. I roll my eyes. "You have no right to treat my mate that way, or any of my pack members for that matter." Kol growls at me.
My wolf snarls in my head. "This coming from someone who willingly ignored the abuse inflicted on one of his own." I glare. "This wouldn't have happened if you knew how to protect anyone other than yourself." He frowns and I look and see Ace to his right. Kol turns to look at him as well before staring back at me. "Well, maybe you can't always protect yourself." I state with a smirk. Ace beat the shit out of him when I left. "Can you show us to our rooms, we need to get ready for dinner." Elijah asks him with no emotion.

"I'll show you." Ace pipes up, a slight sad smile on his face. I nod. "Untamed, let's go. Ace, lead the way." Elijah's voice is stronger than Kol's, it's obvious. I felt calm again. Ace led us up and throughout the upstairs hallways. "We don't have enough room's at the moment for singles, so people will have to double up. Did you want a few seconds to think about the arrangements?" Ace asks, his voice muffled and nervous. "Yes, that would be helpful. Thank you." Elijah tells him shaking his hand. "It's no problem. We rearraged it so that the left hallway is yours, and our pack is to the right. We doubled up too. Take all the time you need." He tells him. I grab Ace's hand and squeeze it, his eyes meeting mine for a second. He turns to head back downstairs. "Alright, listen up. Mate's and families get the doors at the end of the hallway, people who are doubling up with friend's or others take the one's in the middle. Beta's, Taramra, Rebekah, Katerina and I will have the rooms at the begining of the hallway. Fill up, let's go." He tells them lightly but strictly and we step asside as they all gather into there rooms.

There were four rooms left. I looked to them all. Elijah spoke up, "Joel and Tamara, are you sharing a room?" He asks them. Joel grins and Tamara blushes. "Yes, sir." She says softly and they disappeared into a room laughing. I frown in sympathy for Bekah. "Don't worry babe. You can bunk with me." Cliff puts his arm around her and she smiles half heartedly. "Alright." She mumbles, knowing she doesn't have a choice. He took her protectively under his arm and they went into their room. I stare up at Elijah. "Well, would you like to be my roomate?" He smiles and I laugh. "I would love to." I tell him and he opens the door for us to walk in. I let out an exaggerated breath and take a look around. "I'm gonna take a shower, I need some time to calm the heck down." I tell him and he smiles at me. "Take all the time you need, babe." I peck his cheek and walk into the bathroom. I find myself shaking my head in frustration. I am beyond annoyed.

After I get out, Elijah has one. I dry my hair, clip my hair back quick and apply a little make-up. I put something on thats a little revealing, wanting to show off for Elijah. I smirk to myself in the mirror. I make sure I am out of the room before Elijah got out of the shower so I could surprise him. Rebekah loved my plan, so did Tamara, both reminding me how it will make Kol jealous as well. I laugh nervously, feeling shy.
We sit around the living room waiting to be called into the dinning room for dinner. "After dinner we'll take a walk and find somewhere to go." Bekah whispers to me. I nod, "Sure thing." I smile at her. Elijah comes down the stares and his eyes meet  mine for a second before trailing down my body. Cliff smirks at me and I blush uncontrollably. "I'll get you back." Elijah whispers in my ear causing me to shiver. Oh shit. "Dinner!" Kol's mom shouts from the kitchen and smiling at each other we all go to take our seats in the dinning room.



Oh god, what's Elijah planning? :o

Poor Rebekah :(


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