Behind the Band DAY:2 pt 1

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That was my first night sleeping here. It was actually not that bad. I actually slept in by an hour this morning. It's 6. We don't have to get up til 7 and then at 8 is when we are all supposed to meet up and be with each other. I checked my phone, and there were so many texts from Charlie. 

*On text*   

                                                                  CHARLIE 😜


good morning! 

Are you awake? 

Please dont be dead 

 Wakeeee uupppp


If your not awake by 6 imma head over there 

I mean it

TODAY AT 6:00 

Im heading over - Charlie 😜 


Im awake nowwww  

I actually fell asleep when I went to my trailer last night! - me

*Off text*



"Your ALIVE!" He came over to hug me. WHile he was hugging me I said.

"Didn't you look at your phone? Okay I can't breathe, Charlie!" I tapped on his shoulder and he let go and sat next to me on my couch.

"No?" Charlie brought out his phone and read my texts. "Ohhhhhhhhh. huh. Oh well." He said turning off his phone. "So you wanna watch our show?" 

"Sure lemme make some pop corn real quick." 

"Seriously, It would make me feel a lot better knowing that you had a real shirt! Do you even own one?" he asked sincerely. 

"No not really. I don't wear them anymore. I haven't since 8th grade." 

"EIGHTH GRADE" he mouthed to him self. 

"Besides why do you care?" I asked bring the popcorn to the couch. 

"Well, because, I'm your friend, and I know what's good for you." He said as if that was a real answer. I sighed " Well at least wear a real sweater over it!" 

"I only have one." 

"then I'll let you wear some of mine. Please? to make me feel better. And when you get hot you can take it off." 

I looked at him. This meant a lot to him, why? I'm not sure. I would say he barely knows me, but when he toured me around. He did something no one ever in my existence, could do. Open me up. I never have told anyone what I told him my first day with him. Charlie was so easy to talk to. 

"fine.and WHEN I;m hot I will take it off okay?" 


About 20 minutes into the show Charlie  started to throw popcorn at me. Then tried to pour water on me. 

"CHARLIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? YOUR MAKING A MESS! AAHHH NOW I"M WET! I"M GOING TO GET YOU!" now there is only so far and many places you can hide in an trailer, but he was still making it work. I tried to pour the water on his head but he grabbed my arms. 

Start of Something New  *w/Charlie Gillespie*Where stories live. Discover now