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The Shinsengumi first squad walk in the streets of Kyoto. I look around being careful to don't lose sight of Chizuru and Okita, who are walking near me in the end of the row of soldiers. Kyoto is really a beautiful city, but the people are glaring at us with angry eyes. I look at Okita <<the Shinsengumi protect Kyoto, right? Why the people hate you so much?>> he looks at me with the corner of his eyes <<why do you care? Perhaps is because they are looking at you too? We warned you that our job is dangerous...maybe soon someone might try to kill us>> I frown <<i don't give a damn for that, i just don't get it...if you protect the people they are supposed to be grateful. The Shinsengumi must have done something really bad in the past if they're so angry >> he shrugs with a grin.

Chizuru smiles at me <<you always say what's on your mind, I envy you>> I chuckle <<for so little? Well...it doesn't matter, even like this the city is beautiful>> Chizuru nods <<this is your first time in Kyoto?>> I nod <<yes and finally after months locked up I can see it>> she nods.

Okita crosses his arms <<it's a city like any other, but for a kid like you, who never left her home this must be ridiculously good>> I roll my eyes <<it's true that I never left the region of Kanto, but I don't see the big deal>> he looks at me <<it's look like you're doing a touristic tour, I remind you that you should be looking for your friends>> I stop annoyed tapping the ground with my foot <<we have done that for hours now...i can't just question every single passerby!>> but then someone collides with me. I stumble for a second and turn around angry <<ehi! Watch where are you goi...ah?>> the man is really tall, with red hair and light blue eyes. We look at each other for a few instants...he has a strange aura around him...that makes him stand out in the crowd...fear...he's not human.

The man bow a little <<my apologize>> and he goes away. Why...he looked at me like that? I don't have any fear so he couldn't sense mine...so why he looked like he knew me?

Chizuru looks at me worried <<Riko-san? Are you alright?>> I jump surprised, seeing that she and Okita are looking at me. I forced a smile and nod <<i'm sorry...i got distracted for a moment. I'm doing a terrible job...i'm supposed to stay alert and protect you>> she quickly shakes her head <<don't worry about it>> Okita sighs <<come on you two...>> and we continue to walk.

After some time Chizuru stops and ask information about her father to a man, who point at one restaurant nearby...so Chizuru runs in that direction without waiting for us. I curse and run after her, but then three ronin block my path and another group attack Okita and his men. The three in front of me grin, probably thinking that I'm an easy target, so the one in the center turns around and begin to walk forward the restaurant where Chizuru entered early. Without thinking I grab a rock on the ground and throw it hitting his head <<ehi you bastard! Catch me if you can!>> and i begin to run away.

I continue to run, ignoring Okita who in the heat of the fight sees me run away and scream my name. I arrive in a deserted alley and stop unsheathing my sword for the fight. The three ronin arrived and block the exit <<now you will pay bitch!>> I glared at them and attack. They scream but with three blows I knock them out using the back of my katana.

I look at them on the ground and sigh <<foolish men, only because I'm a woman doesn't mean that I'm weak>> but then a hit behind my neck push me on the ground, making me lost consciousness. The last thing I saw is a man with long blue hair and a gray gun in his hand.

Chizuru pov

when the fight ends I go out from the restaurant. The men in there tried to kill me only because I'm with the Shinsengumi...so scary, but Okita saved me. I look around <<where is Riko-san?>> Okita runs past me, going in the direction of an alley. I follow him worried, but when I reach him I see three men on the ground and Okita is in the center of them, kneeling on the ground with his back to me. I walk forward a little shy <<Okita-san?>> but he stands up quickly and without answer puts something in my hands. I widen my eyes seeing Riko's necklace and her katana.

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