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After some weeks Heisuke comes back from Edo, so the day after his return we go with him and Okita on patrol around the city. Suddenly Heisuke snaps his fingers <<right! I almost forgot...i went to your house Chizuru, to see if Kodo was back, but he wasn' I went also to Riko-chan's house>> we look at him in surprise, but I also in shock <<>> he nods happy <<it's so big! I didn't enter inside, but even from the outside it's perfectly visible>> Okita grins <<oh? So you saw Riko-chan's house, but why didn't you enter?>> Chizuru nods <<i bet that her family is worried sick for her>> Heisuke sighs <<i also thought that, so I searched for her house for telling her family that she's okay but...>> I turn pale freaking out...he saw the yokais?! Or he talked with someone and found out that they don't know me?!

I cough calming myself <<it wasn't necessary, if they're so worried they can write me a letter>> Okita looks at me amused <<actually you speak really well about your family, but they are ignoring you...i wonder why>> I tried to answer, but Heisuke interrupts me <<in fact they gave me a letter for you Riko-chan>> I freeze looking at him shocked and astonished <<a letter for me? Who gave it to you?>> he laughs mistaking my concern with happiness <<don't listen to Souji, that guy was really happy when I mentioned your name>> I cross my arms impatient <<okay but who was he?> he passes a hand on his hair chuckling embarrassed <<well...i don't know>> Okita looks at him unconvinced <<have you also become stupid as well as nosy these past few weeks in Edo?>> I look annoyed at Okita <<oh come on, let him at least explain before insulting him>> Heisuke nods irritated <<she's right Souji! He had his face covered by a red mask. As soon as I tried to enter he stopped me, saying that there was no one home>> I frown <<a boy with a mask? Mmh>> Chizuru looks at me curious <<who was that?>> I shake my head <<i don't know. Some of grandpa's friends wears masks every now and then...but nobody has a red one. Did he tell you his name?>> Heisuke shakes his head and hand me over the letter <<no, but he told me to give this to you, saying also to not go to your house again without your permission>> I take the letter and open it really curious...finding only a short message 'get ready the rats traps'

Okita reads the message peeking from my shoulders <<is supposed to mean something?>> I quickly hide the letter against my chest <<hey! It could be a private letter from my family, maybe also from my don't read it without permission!>> he sighs annoyed <<and why should your brother write to you? You haven't see each other for more than a year>> I put a hand on my hip <<so? We love each other, no matter what>> he frowns <<what nonsense>> and he walks away leaving us behind.

I look at him walking away sad and confused...why he's so angry? But Chizuru takes my arm and we follow him.

Heisuke walks near us and I speak with him <<thank you for giving me the letter>> he smiles kindly <<you're welcome, but I'm sorry that I couldn't at least meet your mother and tell her that you're okay>> I chuckle shaking my head <<it's not a problem>> because she's still not born now...but I wonder who sent me the letter. The rats traps? Maybe he was referring to Kyuso...but only I know who he is here. Maybe the boy with the mask is from my time too! but if he's at my house I can't just go and search for him...because if I really look so much like grandma, I can't let grandpa or dad see me.

I sigh and decided to do the only thing I could...wait and see what happens.

Chizuru looks at me worried <<Riko-san? Is everything alright? don't thing about what Okita-san told you, I bet that your brother is really worried for you>>i smile at her <<thanks, but I'm okay. I know that Rikuo is worried for me and that he loves me...i was only wondering why Okita got so angry>> Chizuru shakes her head <<i don't know, but you can ask him because you are friends>> I look at her and laugh a little <<you really don't know him. Besides...he will never answer, if I ask him he will only becomes more angry. Every time I mention Rikuo he just got angry and mean. I try to don't speak about him when he's around, but I forgot to do that earlier>> Chizuru nods <<i also noticed that, Okita-san is really enigmatic>> I chuckles looking at Okita and Heisuke, who are walking in front of the soldiers.

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