dark night

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Spring soon melted the snow, making flowers bloom everywhere. Chizuru finishes to clean the main hall's floor <<finally done>> I smile at her, finishing to scrub the engawa's floor, outside the main hall <<yes...finally>> she chuckles <<thank you for the help, we are faster in two>> I nod <<you're welcome, in the end we don't have anything else to do>> and some monks walk nearby, looking satisfied at the clean floor. In their group there is also Yuichi, so Chizuru runs near me with a scared face. Yuichi leaves the group and walk toward us <<you're cleaning again?>> I nod, putting away the cloth I used to clean <<we don't have anything else to do, you know? You all onmyoji don't clean up anything of course, exactly like the monks because they hate the soldiers, so we have to do it>> Chizuru nods timidly <<i...i'm sorry if we bothered you>> Yuichi smiles a little <<i told you already that you don't bother us if you clean the temple. I won't hurt you so stop babbling when you are talking with me>> Chizuru blushes a little embarrassed <<i'm sorry>> I shrug <<do you need something Yuichi?>> he nods <<obviously, I'd rather not have anything to do with people like you two, but in the last few months you haven't done anything wrong so...i have to tell you something>> I put a hand on my hip <<if you put it that way...I think it would be better to talk about it in private>> he nods <<follow me>> and he begins to walk away. Chizuru looks at me hesitant <<Riko-san...>> I put a hand on her shoulder <<don't worry, if he wanted to hurt us he could have done it many times already>> she nods and we follow Yuichi toward his room.

Yuichi's room is really big, but it's bare, with only a futon, a closet and a desk full of documents. Chizuru closes the door behind her, and we sit down. Yuichi sighs <<at least, here we can speak freely. Even though I hate the fact that there are two demons in my room>> Chizuru a little scared comes closer to me, but I didn't even blink <<the feeling is mutual exorcist, so hurry up and speak so we can leave. Also the others might wonder where we are>> he nods with a grim face <<the fear in the city is growing, the pillars stop it from becoming too much but...at this rate we Keikan will have to take action against it>> I frown perplexed <<someone is trying to make a pandemonium here? This yokai must be extremely powerful or he's only a crazy fool>> Yuichi nods <<probably the second...but he's cunning. We already informed the Shogunate, but they decided to cover this up...a stupid move for saving their faces. However you are warned...if we onmyoji take this situation in our hands, I will be the head of the operation. I don't have nothing against you two, but...maybe I will need to erect a new barrier just for tracking him down. If I do that you also would be affected by my barrier>> Chizuru looks puzzled at our serious faces <<i don't understand...why he can't make a pandemonium here? And what is a pillar?>> I sigh smiling, and I look at her <<right...sometimes I forget that this is all new for you. We can say that there is a big bubble around the city, to keep the fear under control...because without fear you can't build a pandemonium. Yokai's power is more stronger if the people are scared. The pillars make the barrier who prevents it, by reducing the dark energy in the city, but it doesn't stop small groups of yokai from messing around, like Kazama and the others two for example>> Yuichi nods <<we onmyoji protect the pillars, fighting the demons and the fear that they instigate. We kill the yokai or we isolate them from the fear with a barrier, but it's not so simple. An onmyoji usually uses a shikigami, a spirit that fight in our place, because a human is too weak to do that. For this reason I invented a special technique called Joukasuru, this is why since I was a kid it was decided that I would become the chief of the family>> I bit my lip <<so your technique is called purification...i don't even need to ask what it does>> Yuichi nods <<it's a very complicated technique, and I need great concentration to using it...but in return I can partially or totally block the yokai's movements, because without fear they can risk their life. With only a barrier like the Joukasuru I can't kill them, it's only a copy of another technique, but I can keep them still for a moment and use it to kill them>> I frown <<you can't destroy our essence in any case, so it's only a temporary solution>> he nods <<you're right, but like I said...it gave me the chance to kill my enemy in the most classic way. If I use Joukasuru now, to stop that yokai, you both will also be affected because you're weaker than me>> Chizuru raises an eyebrow <<and...if the demon is stronger than you, what could happened?>> I chuckles <<if two people fight, what will happen to the weak one?>> Chizuru blushes in shame, realizing only now that her question was silly <<i'm sorry>> I laugh patting her shoulder <<don't be, it's okay and you need to understand the basic...now that you know what you really are>> Yuichi smiles <<the little Nurarihyon is right, if you don't learn now you will die...the demons' world is a place where only the stronger can survive, the others can only serve and bow to them. A fight with a demon is always a clash between wills. A barrier is like a sword...it will not do anything alone, but if the person behind it have a strong spirit then...>> he sighs <<if the demon in front of me is weak I will win, but if he's stronger than me then my barrier won't affect him...This is why I must be the stronger>> I cross my arms <<so...there's an idiot that is messing around the city, and he's building up fear without an apparent reason>> Chizuru adds <<maybe this is why Hijikata-san and the others are so nervous these days>> I snap my fingers <<you're right, but I don't know much about it. I only heard Nagakura complain because there are some troubles in Shimabara, so he can't go there to drink but only for work>> Yuichi nods <<little Nurarihyon, I'll give you three days...after that we onmyoji will act. If you can't stop this yokai in the next few days then...you two have to go away from Kyoto for a little while. If the Shinsengumi is against it, then I will personally take you to Edo>> I quickly shake my head <<not Edo!>> he smiles a little <<right...then Osaka>> Chizuru frowns <<is this really necessary?>> I turn serious <<i'll try to resolve this problem, but I can't guarantee anything so...be ready. Mmh, maybe I should speak with Osen-chan about this too>> Chizuru widens her eyes shocked <<wait...Osen-chan? You know her too? Why you want to speak with her?...ah! don't tell me that she's also...!>> I nod rolling my eyes <<she didn't tell me that she met you in her last letter. Yes, she's a oni like you, but she's not like Kazama...she's our friend. I want to warn her, so she can escape in time if I fail>> Chizuru nods <<i...i understand>> I smile at her and stand up <<okay, if you have finished we have to go on patrol with Okita and Nagakura now>> Chizuru nods <<if we arrive late again Okita will get really angry>> I laugh <<you're right, and he will be a pain in the ass for the entire way, so it's best if we go now. Thank you for everything Yuichi>> and I grab Chizuru running away, leaving Yuichi alone.

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