fight under the moon part 1

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Chizuru pov

I continue to tremble, still clearly feeling the fear as if it was fire. Okita looks at me with a grave expression <<is what he said true? are you sensing the fear of a demon?>> but I shake my head <<I don't know. It never happened to me before...not even with Riko, and she's really powerful too>> but Kaoru sighs irritated <<of course you didn't feel it from Riko, you idiot. This is a threatening fear, belonging to someone ready to fight and kill everyone. Not Riko, or even that pompous Kazama want to hurt you, but this yokai will not be so kind, and this is why you're feeling it too>> and he looks toward where the fear is coming from <<and since we are sensing it even from here, this means that it's from someone very powerful. Too bad, I was hoping to have more fun with you guys>> and he looks at the rasetzu <<considering that now we don't have much time, hurry up>> and the group of rasetzu take their rifles and point them at Okita.

Okita smirks unimpressed, and raised his katana...ready to fight. I bring my hand closer to the hilt of my kodachi, ready to help him. I don't know if I can do something, but I'm certainly not going down without a fight.

Kaoru ignored me, and continues to looks at Okita with a cruel smile on his face << that I think about it, you are Okita of the Shinsengumi. I don't think we can shoot you quite as easily>> and he smirks. I frown, not understanding why he said that.

Okita frowns, more angry and annoyed <<your tone's kinda pissing me off, brat. If you got something to say, how about you just say it. Because right now I really want to kill you, and my patience is at the limit>> but Kaoru chuckles amused <<oh, I wasn't talking to you. I was just suggesting that these fine gentlemen shoot the weaker target first>> and only then I realize that all the rifles were now pointed towards me.

I turn pale and steps back, toward the beginning of the alleyway. I...I don't understand, Kaoru said that he wants me to choose before eventually kill me, so why now he suggested this?!

Okita screams at him <<don't you dare!>> but Kaoru laughs and raises an arm <<you can't give me orders, but if it bothers you so can protect my sister or let her get really hurt. I don't care, but I wonder...what face Riko will do if she finds out you didn't protect Chizuru. I admit that I'm really curious, but I will be happy even if you choose to protect her and get hit by the bullets. In any case, Riko will be devastated and one of you is going to get very hurt >> and he moves his arm, signaling to shoot. But then a shadow jumps down from the roof and cut off the heads of three rasetzu with a single blow...killing them. The rest of the rasetzu immediately after run away screaming scared, leaving Kaoru behind...but we didn't move and look in shock at the figure who saved us.

Riko is standing in front of me and Okita...but her glare makes Kaoru takes a step back. We look at her still too surprised to say anything, but then Kaoru recomposed himself and looks at her with a grin on his face <<I see that you finally arrives Riko, where...!>> but she yells, interrupting him <<shut up! Shut the fuck up or I'll kill you immediately!>> and she looks at him with fury <<I know what you did to Kondo-san, and I was already furious with you for that and for everything else you and Mikio did...but now, you tried to hurt Chizuru and Okita with a bitch move. I swear, I'll make you pay!>> and she growls in an intimidating way.

Her words shaken everyone, but I look at her again and gasp, covering my mouth. She's covered with scratches all over her body, and thanks to a tear in her sleeve I can see a cut above her elbow that still bleeds. Her face has a cut on her cheek, but it's also a little swollen, and her clothes are splattered with blood.

I look at her worried sick and horrified, wondering what happened to her, but then Okita runs toward Riko, and looks at her with a really agitated expression <<what the hell did you do?!>> but she doesn't answer. He grabs her shoulder, shaking her <<Riko!>> but she breaks free from his grip with a rough tug <<who cares what I've done! there's no time! I'll kill Kaoru and we'll get out of here, then I'll explain everything! But not now!>> and I widen my eyes shocked. This is the first time I see Riko raise her voice with Okita. she's so agitated...i'm scared.

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