Your hobby is dancing
When you came home to the apartment you shared with your boyfriend, Louis Tomlinson, after dance rehearsals, you found him on the sofa, writing lyrics for new songs of One Direction. You kissed him hello on his lips and you sat yourself next to him. ‘I have tickets for our show next week.’ You mentioned. He didn’t look up from his papers and just nodded slightly. ‘I’d like you to come, Lou…’ You said again, pulling his arm a bit. ‘Yes. Buy a ticket for me then.’ He said, not sounding interested at all. You sighed and stopped trying. You jumped off the couch. And finally Louis looked up. ‘Where are you going?’ He questioned. You turned around to him again, hands on your waist, probably looking frustrated. ‘I’m going to call some friends who are hopefully more interested in getting a ticket for my dance show, than my boyfriend is.’ It went always like this and it was something you hated about Louis. He didn’t support your hobby at all. ‘Com’n babe… Of course I like to come.’ He said, standing up from the sofa and walking towards you. ‘It’s just that I’m not a big fan of it. I mean, people are just doing some simple dance moves. It’s all the same… You can use the same steps over and over again. Writing music, for example, is much more creative. You can’t touch people with dancing, the way you touch people with music.’ With every word he made it worse. He was completely ruining the night now. ‘Well, don’t bother coming then, Louis. Forget what I said. I don’t even want you to be there.’ You snapped at him, turning your back at him and leaving the room.
You didn’t spoke to him for the whole night. He tried of course, but you didn’t give in. You gave him the silent treatment until the next morning. And even then it was hard for you to act normal again. You hated it that he was so negative over the one thing you absolutely loved doing. You danced for about ten years now. You did a lot of styles: hip hop, modern, ballet, jazz. You’d learned a lot and even got the chance to learn children your knowledge. You were a dance teacher for about a year now and you loved doing it in your spare time. But you gave Louis what he wanted. You didn’t say anything about your show again. Even the day of the recital you didn’t mention it once. You left early in the morning for the last rehearsals, and you couldn’t bring yourself to leave him a note or anything. During the day you got texts from him to ask you where you were, but you didn’t respond. He didn’t deserve it actually. You were always there, supporting him, being there for him. Always. And he didn’t even try to do the same thing for you.
When the concert started you promised yourself to forget about the situation at home and focusing on what you loved so much: dancing. You had several routines to perform. You even got a modern solo. And you loved dancing that piece. It was something where you could bring all your emotions to the surface. It was, ironically enough, about ups and downs in a relationship, and especially now… You could relate to that. And when your class had to perform, you were hell of proud of them. They did awesome. You still had to dance with them from backstage, but the public didn’t notice at all. They did great!
When the show was over, you made sure to undo yourself from your dance clothes and put your normal clothes back on, before you went outside, ready to go meet some friends you had invited. They were all so nice and positive about the show. It warmed your heart. But you still missed one opinion, one person, one supporter who wasn’t here. And it hurt.
An hour later you arrived at home and when you entered the living room, Louis was sitting in front of his laptop. He looked up when you appeared. You figured he would be mad, because you didn’t answer any of his texts, but instead he said nothing. He just walked over to you and pulled you into a hug. ‘I missed you today…’ He whispered into your hair. And you hated it how he could make your frustrating feelings go away by just four little words. So you hugged him back. You just could not not hug him back. ‘I have this thing here…’ He started speaking, grabbing your hand and leading you towards his laptop on the table. ‘Something that really inspired me today.’ He said when he opened a video on his screen and pressed the play button. To your surprise, you saw yourself. You saw yourself dancing. It was a complication of all the dance routines you did today. Even your own class was added into the video. ‘Where did you get this from?’ You asked him confused, when it was over. ‘I made it myself.’ He smiled, and you were in shock. ‘You-… What?- How?-,’ You stuttered, not understanding what he tried to say. But he made you go silent by putting his finger onto your lips and he started talking himself. ‘You didn’t mention your show anymore. And I noticed. I figured you didn’t buy me a ticket so I did it myself. I was there, earlier. I watched you. And baby… I have never felt more proud in my life than during the whole show. I was completely wrong about dancing not touching people. Because it touched me from the first note, from the first move. You touched me. You inspired me today. And I bet you inspired the rest of the public and your kids. The way you move. The way you feel the music in your body. The way you tell your feelings to the people in the room. That’s just… amazing. I have no words to describe it. You were more than extraordinary.’ He said while his eyes where focused on you. And with every word your heart lit up more and more. He was the one person you needed to hear this from. And now he said it, you felt complete. There was nothing you wanted more than his blessing on this passion of yours. And it was not like he was ever going to get you stop. But having his support meant everything. And you had that now. And it felt more than great. So you kissed his lips and wrapped your arms around him, whispering a soft thank you in between the kisses you gave him. This day couldn’t end more perfect than it actually did.

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionI love One Direction and I decided to make this book for everyone else who loves them too.