The unnerving sound of the spade hitting the soil made the whole experience. If you held your breath you could hear Liam’s shattered breathing as he dug. The moon was immense on the horizon, casting a faint glow over Liam. “That should be deep enough” Liam spoke as the his digging ceased. Gingerly you pulled away from the tree and peered into the hole he had dug. Seating yourself on the ground you waited for Liam to do the same “you sure about this?” you asked through the darkness, lifting the lid of the metal box, a beat later a flashlight beam illuminated it. “So we have something to come back to in ten years” his voice cut through the darkness.“How do you know we’ll remember?” you ask your best friend. “Because we’ll be together” he assured, placing their metal box of memories in the ground.Harry:
The first time harry broke you, you were 7, but that was just a too hard shove on the playground that resulted in a broken arm. He made it up quickly with a hug and “I promise I won’t do it again.”
The next time wasn’t so physical.
"What do you mean it was all a joke?” you yelled at harry down the phone. “he… he doesn’t like you Y?N, it was a joke. And I shouldn’t have gone along with it, I’m sorry, I’m an idiot” he pleaded down the phone. “You knew how much I liked him” you whisper, hanging up and cutting off Harrys apology. It took three days, twenty-seven missed calls, two bunches of apology flowers and “I promise I won’t do it again” before you sat on the front porch of your house and made up.
The third time he broke you, he never made it up. You watched every show, you voted every week, you did everything in her power to make sure he achieved his dreams, you just didn’t realize forgetting you was a part of the processZayn:
It was your secret, this little cottage on the beach. Somewhere you and Zayn had been coming with your families from the age of 6, when you turned 15 it started to become just the two of you. This little cottage next to the beach, a world away from anything else; From the bullies you both endured, from the expectations of parents, from the people that threatened your friendship. It was your little world where you relied on each other, and you and Zayn made plans and promises you’d never thought would be broken.”Zayn, reckon we’ll get married?” you ask a question that between the two of you was not far-fetched at all. “I know we will”, he grabbed your hand, the waves on the beach crashing loud. “and how do you know?” you ask, intertwining your fingers with his. “because you’re the only person I’m ever going to want to be with”.Louis:
“Catch the stupid ball Y/N” Louis laughed, throwing it at you, “you’ll never be as good as me if you don’t at least try” he dribbled he ball up to you. “ Don’t want to be as good as you Lou” you pointed out, closing your book and standing up. “Yeah good point. When I’m a famous football player-“ he starts, but you cut him off, “if you become a famous football player, I’ll come to only one of your games, how does that sound” you laugh, kicking the ball away from him. “Are you kidding? You’ll be at every one of my games. And then when we win, my mates will put me on their shoulders and run me around the field and I’ll search the stands for you and do this” he lifts his middle finger. With a laugh you push him away “shove off Lou” you smile. “I’ll actually do this” Louis blows a kiss to the imaginary stands, “and later I’ll do this” he places his lips on yours.Niall:
“Should I wear my scarf tomorrow?” Niall asks, the red scarf wrapped around his neck, looking at himself in the mirror. He’d spent the better part of the day freaking out over his audition. “Niall they’re going to accept you for your singing ability, not your fashion” you laugh, lying back on his bed. “It’s the XFactor Y/N its about being the best in every way” he placed his hands on his hips, you couldn’t help but laugh, making him scowl. “You’ll get through just fine Ni” you promise, chucking a pillow at him ”and if I don’t?” he asks, collapsing on the bed next to you. “if you don’t then you still have me.” “will i?” he asks, rolling onto his side to look at you, “if I don’t get through, if they tell me I’m shit, are you still going to want to be my best friend?” he asks sincerely. “Niall, I’m always going to be your best friend. Nothing will change that… unless you, you know, leave and never come back, leave and forget about me,” you mumble. “But we both know that’ll never happen” he promises.

One Direction Preferences
FanficI love One Direction and I decided to make this book for everyone else who loves them too.