18: Walk In La

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"Hey. Eroda" i look up to see Harry. "Wanna go on a walk?" It was the next day and the weather was beautiful.
"Uh sure. I'll get dresses" I took I and Sarahs (the drummer) plates to the sink (her thanking me before carrying on talking to her boyfriend) before washing my hands and going upstairs.

I got dressed into white wide leg cargo trousers, a black crop top and a long black plaid flannel. I slipped on my trainers before putting on my usual eye liner, mascara and highlight. I brushed down my hair before sliding my phone in my pocket and running down the stairs - bumping into Mitch on the way (the guitarist).
"Oh, sorry!" I exclaimed.
"All good. You going out with Harry?"
"Uh-i-what?" I spluttered.
"You two are going on a walk, right?"
"Ohh. Uh yeah. Yeah" he noticed my cheeks go red and chuckled.
"Just ask him already" he said before making his way upstairs.

How many people knew I had a crush on him? Harry obviously knew I liked him at this point.

Harry and I set off soon enough, giggling. I kept glancing at him, admiring how beautiful he was. He was talking about last nights show with such love and passion.

"So, did you enjoy the show?" He asked me..
"I loved it! It was the best concert I've ever been to!" I gushed. "And Stevie Nicks! Holy crap!"
"Unreal, I know" he replied.
"I'm glad you flew me over here. It was nice, y'know. I had a rough week and...it ended nicely. Thanks a lot"
"Yeah, no problem. What you gonna do now?"
"Well...I don't belong at that school anymore so I think I should just leave, y'know? Been there long enough anyway"

We went into a supermarket and bought some water before carrying on walking in the sunshine.
"What about Michelle?" He asked. I was shocked he remembered her.
"We'll stay friends. I just...I need to do this for myself. And she's been so supportive all the time"
"I'm really proud of you for putting yourself first. That's a really good thing, y'know?"
"Thanks" i looked around the gorgeous streets of LA.
"My Mum likes you. A lot"
"I like her too. She's really sweet. Gem too, i adore her"

"Did you know Eroda backwards is Adore?" He asked me.
"Why yes, yes I did. Did I also know you created an island called Eroda?" I smiled.
"Hey! That was before I met you!"
"I know but...it's cute still. And a coincidence"
"God imagine my fans found out your name. They'd be like 'Wow Harrys girlfriend has the same name as the island!'" That comment made me blush but I laughed it off.
"Wow Harrys girlfriend is called Eroda! He named it after her! Oh my god, secret girlfriend" I jokes. We both laughed and walked on.

Eroda was so pretty. I was kind of trying to figure out if I liked her. Mum and Gemma were going on about how cute we were but I wasn't sure if I felt that way towards her. I had a feeling she did but...I wasn't sure. She had been acting really nervous but I'm guessing it was job stress. I'd been to busy to give her proper time so this walk felt right.
"Harry, you're so blind to her affection! Just go talk to her!" Sarah said to me this morning.
"She's just a loving person! Plus, I'm not even sure I'm into her!" I'd replied.

"You excited for next week?" Eroda asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Oh uh yeah! Super excited. Can't wait to meet Michelle" Right on cue, her phone rang: it was Michelle herself.
"Oh uh d'you mind if I take this? Eroda asked:
"Go ahead" i insisted.

"YOU'RE IN LA!?" Michelle exclaimed.
"Uhh...surprise" i replied uneasily.
"I bet Harry flew you over! Why didn't you tell me?"
"I...i don't know. I wanted to take time off my phone. I'm sorry"
"No, no it's okay! But hey, keep updating me on him! Is he with you right now?"
"Uh...yes" i said. Harry was on his phone, not listening to my conversation.
"When you're back, we need to talk about this. Terms over on Friday, what d'you say? Maybe before the show we can talk?"
"That sounds amazing. Hey, I should go but I'll see you when I'm back"
"Sounds good. Be safe"

I ended the call and slid my phone into my pocket.
"Sorry about that" i said.
"It's all good. Everything okay?" Harry asked.
"Uh yeah. Just checking in-" I got cut off by screaming.
"Oh my fucking god it's Harry Styles!"
"The ladies go wild for Mr Harry Styles" i grinned.
"Shut up!" Harry scoffed then smiled.

I stepped back so he could take his time talking to the fans before offering to take the pictures. They were so kind and graciously agreed before giving Harry a hug each and thanking me.
"They were sweet" i said, as we walked down the street.
"Lovely, I know. Wanna head back soon?"
"Uh sure...hey, Harry"
"Ye'?" He looked up at me, his gorgeous green eyes staring into my dark brown ones.

Tell him. Just tell him before you break.


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