46: Leaving For America

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"Please call me when you land" I said anxiously, playing with my hands. I'd come with Harry to the airport as he was touring America for a while. I'd forgotten to take my medication this morning and felt anxious as ever.
"I will baby. I'll be fine, okay? Focus on yourself. You've got some alone time so use it wisely" he replied, giving me a hug.
"I-i will, please just...be careful"
"You worry too much" he smiled fondly before showing me his wrist which had his distance bracelet on it. "Everyday I'll give you a tap. Besides, you're flying out in two weeks. So I'll see you soon"

"You won't...leave me for any pretty girls, right?" Yes, my anxiety was awful right now. I didn't know why but for some reason it had hit really badly.
"No! Darling, never! I love you - and you only. I wouldn't dare try to replace you" he kissed my head gently before he pulled me into his arms agains "I love you so much Eroda. My precious girl"
"I love you too Harry" I mumbled, tears in my eyes.
"Hey, stop your crying. You'll be fine" we shared a sweet kiss before I bid farewell to the rest of the crew and gave Harry another hug.
"Thank you for existing" I whispered in his ear before letting go of him.
"Thank you for giving me a reason to" he replied.

Who the heck hurt him?

I watched him leave before I left myself. I headed back to my house and took my medication. I was bored out of my mind so I took my time reading the bottle. Suitable for pregnant women - good for them I guess. I sighed and put it away before I heard a knock at the door. I headed to the front door and opened it to see Michelle and her two children: Jessica and Cameron.

"Hey uh...Harry told me you weren't doing okay hence why you've been MIA. So I wanted to pop by?" She said.
"Oh yeah sorry about that. I'm okay now and Harrys on tour - hey you should all come in"
"Oh that'd be lovely! Cameron, careful! You'll knock your sister over" She was handling this all so well.
"Hi Cameron! Hi Jessica" I smiled at the two twins as they each entered my house.

"So...what's been happening?" Chelle asked me as we drank our tea. The children were watching TV...Cameron had taken a liking to Louis Tomlinson and it was adorable as they were both watching This Is Us.
"I got diagnosed with depression. And...I opened up to Harry about some things"
"Oh god, I take it he handled it well"
"Yeah he...he was there for me. He looked after me a lot" I smiled softly. "He's lovely Chelle. He really cares about me"
"No doubt he does. So have you two..."
"Chelle! Stop asking personal questions!"
"I'm your best friend! I wanna know the deats!"
"We've done...stuff. But we haven't really had sex yet. Which is fine as we've only been dating for six months"
"Ah. You're taking it slow. Maybe I do like Harry after all" she decided.

"Eroda, is it true Harrys your boyfriend?" Jessica burbled.
"Uh yes. Harry is my boyfriend" I replied.
"Is he nice?"
"You've met him a few times! He's lovely - a true gentleman"
"What about Louis?" Cameron asked.
"I haven't met Louis but I know he and Harry are still good friends"
These kids had so many questions it was simply adorable.
"Right kids, stop asking Eroda so many questions. It's time for lunch" she replied.

Michelle and I made the kids some sandwiches whilst talking.
"So how's work?" She asked.
"I'm leaving in August. Got a new teaching job at Deptford Academy" i responded. 
"The private school!? Nooo, come back to Abbey Road!" She pleaded.
"I'd...rather not" i said uneasily.
"What, did the Elisa thing give you some kind of trauma?" She joked.

She looked at me, her eyes wide. "You poor thing. Oh my god"
"I'll be fine. I have a therapist and she's been so helpful"
"Oh god...Eroda I-i'm so sorry. Fuck, I wasn't there for you"
"Chelle, you didn't know I was suffering. I never talked about it"
"But Harry knew"
"Yeah but Harry isn't a full time teacher with two children. Besides I never wanted my job to mix with my mental health. Anyway, you're always here for me - you're my best friend"

"I'm always here for you. Don't forget that"
"I'm here for you too Chelle. And hey - Cameron looks really happy" i told her.
"Thanks. I was worried he'd get bullied but his class are so supportive. I thought this would be difficult but...it's going well"
"Good" then I got a FaceTime call from Harry!

"Hi baby!" I said happily. "Get the kids" i said to Chelle who rushed away.
"Hi my love. I'm getting on the plane in about twenty minuets" he replied. "I really miss you"
"I miss you too. Oh, Chelle and her kids are here by the way!" I said.
"Ooh I miss them!" He responded as I set up my phone so all four of us were in view.
"Hi Harry!" Jessica waved. "Where are you going?"
"America. I'm on tour" he replied.
"Where's Louis?" Cameron asked, causing us adults to laugh.
"I'm not sure little man" Harry replied.

The kids soon went back to watching TV, eating their snacks contently.
"Did Michelle tell you about our conversation then?" Harry asked shyly.
"Yeah...you two are lovely people"
"Maybe I'll consider you a friend Harry" Michelle added.
"Oh really?" Harry grinned.
"Maybe" she replied sternly.

"Harry, it's time to go" I heard Jeff say.
"Okay" Harry turned to his camera. "I love you Eroda. I'll see you in two weeks"
"I love you too Harry"

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